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I always most of the time) seem happy,

happy as can be,

But really....

I never really am.

I feel bad for myself,

and I try to stop,

but the feel comes back.

And it says,"Your worth nothing,

You have no one.

Your life was a mistake,

You will never find someone,

End your self now, you have nothing to live for."

A wave of sadness hits me.

It hits me with sharp, depressing pain.

I know others have it worse,

But I care for them. More then myself.

The pain goes away,

But never very long.

I talk bad about my friends,

Trying to make them fell my pain,

But it hurts me,

The words I say to them.

I apologize, for what I say

But the pain is left inside me.

The pain builds inside me.

I have no control of it,

It just depresses me when it wants.

Making me weak.

I go back to the words,

The word a voice tells me.

And I think,' Should I end my life?

a will it make everyone's lives better

Should I end it all?

Will anyone really care about me?

Am I just a mistake?

Will I be happy without all of them?"

I dont really know,

what I should do.

I feel like ending it all,

But somethings tells me I shouldn't.

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