Street affairs 4

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"Ill get you back you prick" he slammed his door as I limbed away with blood leaking down the side of my face. I carried on walking till I reached the bus top and I slouched on the chair. I had never been so vexed in my life I was thinking of ways to fuck up Andre and that bitch as well. I slid out my phone try to avoid the pain in my arm, I scrolled down contacts till I found her name. I looked at her name.


"Um is everything okay" I turned around to see some white girl

"If everything was cool would I be making sound affects like that"

She looked at me then looked in her bag; she brought out a tissue and handed it to me then sat at the edge of the bench placing her headphones in.

"Safe. So what's your name" I then realised she had headphones in so I was making convo with my self. As I was about to tap her the 401 came so she got up as she go on the bus She went to check her bag then started to panic

"Shit where my oyster." She looked at the bust driver

"Um I can't find my oyster at the moment"

"well that will be to £2"

"I actually do not have any money on me"

"Well then im sorry"

I felt bad for her so I paid

"Oi prick heres her 2bar init" she smiled at me then gave the bust driver a duty screw. I tapped my oyster. And went upstairs with her

"Thanks for the money" she said

"It's a minor so ... can I have your number" I could see she was analysing me from head to trainers.

"Yh no my swagger is hard alie" we laughed and she brought her phone out


"Ok so im Kayden what yours"

"Alexia" I smiled at her she started to get off her seat

" My stops here bye" as she reached downstairs I shouted

"By Lexi" she gave a sceww and laughed. I sat back on my seat and rested my head on the window she made me feel so much better.


(8) All the way turned up(8)

My alarm shot right through and I jumped up, as It I did remembered all of my events. Today was gonna be a brand new day and I was gonna be a brand new Rielle, I was so fed up being the 'holy girl'. Everyone was gone see a brand new me. I took my phone in to the bath and started playing music

"You the fuckin best, best I ever had"

1hour later.

I looked in the mirror I was in my uniform green tartan kilt blue shirt and a navy blue blazer. I put on my kickers slicked my hair put on some eye make up lip gloss and blue diamond stud earrings. I grabbed my bag money phone all da usual and left

As I got to the bust stop I heard some one scream my name

"I turned it was my friend Naomi.. I looked at her

"Why you screaming my name for kmt"

She looked at me

"Rah you look different , when did your uniform because so tight on your body"

I laughed. The 601 pulled up witch everyone on it. When I and Naomi came upstairs it went quiet. Everyone was looking at me shocked like I was walking out naked.

"Is there a problem I said looking round" then someone past a comment from the back

"nah just didn't noe you had breast" everyone began to laugh and so did I as I walked past to the back im passed Adze some boy I used to like, but pied me in front of everyone. I patted his head as I walked past.

"Shit man gwarn rielle" I looked at him and smiled I sat at the back with my friends

As we pulled up to Broadway everyone started to get off the bus as I was walking to the stairs Adze put his hands around my waist and his head on my shoulder

"How can I help you" I asked him

"Nah we are getting off the next stop" and he pulled me to the chair to let everyone past.

Street affairs 4Where stories live. Discover now