trying to get Harry's memory back

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Harry's POV

These 2 I think their names were Hermione and Ron they seem nice they say i was their best friend it doesn't ring a bell but Ron he has a laugh he has brothers and a sister 

Ron: mum 

Ron's mum: yes Ronald

Ron: mum don't call me that

Ron's mum: sorry what's up

Ron: Harry lost his memory and he doesn't remember anyone 

???: mum

Is that who I think it is

Harry: Fred

Fred: oh hey Harry

Harry: where's George

Fred: upstairs

Hermione: you remember Fred and George

Harry: yeah

Ron: and not your best friend

Harry: I don't remember you Ronald 

F,G,J,Her: (laughs)

Ron: Harry

Harry: yes 

Ron: don't call me that

Harry: okay

Ron: good 

Hermione:(smiles) so do you remember anyone else

Harry: er I don't know 

Ron: who do you remember the most

Harry: Fred, George, Jenny, Professor Snape don't know why, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Magonigal

Hermione: I got it

Everyone:(looks at her)

Ron: what

Hermione: Harry can't remember the people who he was close to so that's us

Then Serious walked in

Serious: hello Harry

Harry: who are you

Serious: has he lost his memory

Hermione: yeah

Serious: do you know why

Ron: no at Hogwarts I woke up and saw no Harry so I went to find him but I found him with cuts on his arms and 2 cuts on his neck

Serious: he's back

Ron's mum: he can't be

Hermione: he is

Ron: we saw him while Harry was in the hospital ward 

Serious: he can't remember the people that are close to him can he Hermione

Hermione: yeah so he can remember other people just not me,Ron, Serious and I think that's it

Ron: so what's going to happen

Hermione: what do you mean

Ron: Hermione if it takes Harry a month to remember everything then we could loose him during that

Hermione: I know we will but are you willing to let that happen

Ron: no

Hermione: well then

Serious: well I'll stay with Harry try to get him to remember some stuff while you try and get stuff that he might remember 

Hermione: that made no sense

Serious: come on

This guy helped me and me and the other 2 walked out of the house and flew to this town

Hermione: why are we here

Serious: I want to know how serious it is

Ron: and we're here because 

Serious: here is Harry's home town before he moved in with his aunt and uncle he was born in this house 

Harry: what happened to this house 

Serious: Harry this house was where you used to live when you were a baby and before you moved in with your aunt and uncle 

Harry: oh what happened 



Lilly: shh Harry

V: goodbye (kills Lilly and James) now bye to Harry 

He couldn't kill me

V: what 

Harry:(crying still)

???: sh (picks him up)

Harry:(shuts up)

???: Hagrid bring baby Harry to private drive

Hagrid: okay

Then the man walked out and the guy that was holding me took me outside 

End of Flashback

Harry: noo

Serious: what's wrong

Harry: why did you bring me to my old house where my parents died

Serious: I'm sorry Harry but I had top get you to remember do you want to see them

Harry: okay

Serious: let's go

We walked in the graveyard

Ron: erm you can go in while I wait here

Serious: no Ron

Ron walked in and we walked to my parents grave I saw my parents grave 

Serious: don't worry Harry they won't want you to be sad they want you to live your life and plus they know that you are safe with me 

Harry: I don't know you


Harry:(walks in the house)

Serious: we've got to tell him

Harry:(sees Serious) Serious

Serious:hello Harry 

End of flashback

Harry: you're my godfather

Serious: yes Harry

Harry: I'm getting half my memory back

Serious: that's good

Hermione: that's good can we go back it's starting to get creepy

Serious: sure

We flew back to the Weasly household 

Ron's mum: Serious where have you been

Serious: sorry I had to make Harry get his memory back and they wanted to come

Ron's mum: as long as they are safe

Ron: mum Harry can remember his parents and Serious but I don't think he remembers us 

Ron's mum: let him sleep and see what he is like tomorrow morning

End of POV

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