xv. | ❝ we don't know nothin' about you. ❞

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xv. | ❝ we don't know nothin' about you. ❞


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Shane snapped around, his hand instinctively darting to his hip, where there would have usually been a gun resting in its holster. He cursed inwardly as his fingers brushed nothing but the soft material of his sweatpants, remembering that he'd left it upstairs in his bedroom, and allowed his gaze to snag that of the man standing in the doorway of the kitchen, who had his pistol raised and a look of pure surprise tracing across his rugged features.

"Woah.... I didn't interrupt anythin', now, did I?" The newcomer chuckled awkwardly, making a point of sheathing his weapon and raising his hands in surrender. He took a few hesitant steps forward, watching as Shane pushed Cassandra further behind him protectively.

"How the hell did you get in here?" the onyx-eyed sheriff's deputy snarled, pulling himself up to his full height.

"Me and my friend, we, uh, came in through the basement." He paused, a friendly - if somewhat anxious - grin curling across his lips. "Window was unlocked."

As he said this, a larger man staggered into the kitchen behind him, a flat-cap balanced haphazardly on his round head and a furrow at his brow. "What's goin' on in here?" he asked, shouldering his rifle and glancing between Shane and his companion, his gaze barely registering Cassandra, who was hidden behind Shane's broad frame.

"Just havin' a friendly conversation with our pal, here," the man explained, his eyes still locked on Shane. "I'm Dave. That scrawny-lookin' douche-bag there is Tony."

"Eat me, Dave," Tony replied with a hearty chuckle, seemingly unconcerned by Shane's presence.

Shane, realising that he was outnumbered and without any form of weapons, decided to try and appear civil. "Shane Walsh," he began slowly, his tone still somewhat strained. "Can I ask why y'all are here?"

Dave shrugged, pulling up a chair and sitting down at the kitchen table, clearly trying to dissolve the tension as he gestured for Shane to join him. "We were headed for DC. I heard there might be some kind of refugee camp, but the roads were so jammed, we never even got close. We decided to get off the highways, into the sticks, keep hauling ass. Thought we'd check this place out for supplies."

The dark-haired deputy nodded, discreetly reaching behind him for Cassandra's small hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze, before heading over to the table and sitting down opposite Dave. "Any idea where y'all goin' next?"

"Well, uh...." Dave trailed off, shooting a fleeting glance in Tony's direction, whose gaze was trained on Cassandra's smooth, slender legs. "Look, man. I ain't gonna beat around the bush. You got a nice place, here. How about a little Southern hospitality? We got some buddies back at camp, been havin' a real hard time. I don't see why you couldn't make room for a few more."

The dark-eyed deputy ran a hand through his hair absently, his brow furrowed. "We don't know nothin' about you."

Dave nodded, pursing his lips in a deliberative fashion. "True. You don't know what we've had to go through out there, the things we've had to do. I bet you've had to do some of those same things yourself. Am I right? 'Cause ain't nobody's hands clean in what's left of this world. We're all the same." He leaned forward slightly, his hand hovering at his upper thigh discreetly, just below his holster.

Cassandra, who had full view of both men from where she was standing, felt her heartbeat quicken in her chest. She could tell that Shane was about to refuse, and she knew that the chances of him having his brains blown out were high if she didn't intervene. "I think it's a good idea," she blurted, earning the immediate attention of all three men. "I mean, it's only us here, right, Shane? It's no big deal."

Her companion simply stared at her, his mouth hanging open in complete surprise. Then the realisation that the quick-witted little redhead - who had shown him that she was smart and not one to make stupid decisions - was probably forming some kind of plan, dawned upon him. "Uh, well...." Shane hesitated for a moment, trying his best to think on his feet. "Why don't you and Tony stay here a few days? See what the place is like before y'all bring your buddies along?"

A wolfish grin immediately spread across Dave's lips at Shane's words. "Hell, I thought you'd never ask." He paused, his teeth coming to rest on his lower lip as he reached up to adjust the collar of his shirt casually and allowed his gaze to snag that of the doe-eyed beauty. "We're all gonna get on just fine. I can tell."


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