Chapter 3

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Elina's face suddenly lightens up with happiness and the mood-off was swept away
Finally ! I found it , my book and my object . Lily came walking to Elina's room to remind  Elina about meeting Geremy at the park at 4 0'cloack but when she came in her room Elina wasn't even ready so Lily just looked at Elina  for 3 minutes and raised her voice to speak ,  Amm Elina shouldn't you be at the park with Geremy . Oh I forgot ,  I'm going I just wanna see something . Okay then , carry on miss geek . Stop calling me that ! It's 4 o'clock you better go Elina . But before Elina wen't she looked back at Lily ,  Mmmmmmm......  just don't girl , just don't mess up my precious stuff . Ya ya , I get it , now go said Lily in a impatient voice . Okay bye Lily .

At the park

Elina over here (shouts Geremy with a picnic basket in his hand ) . Hey Geremy , why are you holding a picnic basket ? Cause were gonna have a picnic silly . Ohhh that will be great since I'm already starving and I don't like to eat sweets for the picnic . Nah don't worry , there's vegetables and small sausage rolls , pretty much everything that's healthy (says Geremy with a huge smile on his face ) . Ohh how kind of you Geremy ( they both settle down in the grass ) . So tell me about yourself , cause you never talk in school , your like a quiet mouse , says Geremy . Mmmmm.... where should I start , well I like discovering things like ancient objects and I will enter the Maths Olympia this year , I actually prepared a lot for that . Okay .............. so don't you ever do normal teenage stuff like chilax for once . Well I don't exactly have time for that says Elina while taking a huge bite out of one sausage roll . Can I ask you a question Geremy ? How does it feel being the most coolest , most talented boy in highschool , I mean you got the fame , the love and everything . Well Somerimes I don't like that , girls chasing me , pictures being taken of me , it's so annoying . (Elina Finally started to calm down )  So Geremy I was thinking let's be friends and prove people wrong about us . Ammm... sure .....Ya .......Just friends......Ya , says Geremy . Great , you can help me with  my object with Linda today , can you come to my house at 5 o'clock today , we're gonna have so much fun , since my sister wants to find out the writing on it , which she believes has something to do with music  , she and Gean will also be there . (Elina gets up) See you there or wanna come with me now . (Geremy thinks for 20 seconds ) Ya sure .

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