Rude Awakening

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Bright lights surround me and Snow's voice booms over the intercom. "Let the Games begin!"

I'm in the arena, only seconds left on the clock. All the tributes look at me. I look around nervously at my surrounding, I'm in the mouth of the cornucopia. I look back at the tributes hoping for some kind of explanation.

Then I notice a girl, features so familiar. Then I realize her eyes are so dark, like little grey orbs. Only eyes you can find in the Seam. It's Haymitch's daughter. It's my daughter. Her long, wavy blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Her facial expression shows she's scared and just about as confused as I am. She stares back at me.

The gong rings and she doesn't budge, a few tributes push past me but not hurting me. She still doesn't move, she just stares blankly at me.

"Go! Do something! Don't just stand there! Run!" My voice filled with desperation and concern. She still doesn't move. "Go!"

A Career runs up behind her. I try to run to her but with each step it seems like I'm getting further away. The Career slits her throat and lets her fall to the ground, leaving her to die.

I fall to my knees. I don't know what to do. There's nothing I can do. I wipe away the tears threatening to spill out from my eyes but there's nothing I can do to stop them now. One of the careers chases after me, I stand and try to run but I can't seem to move from my place.He wraps his hands around my throat, I thrash around violently, trying to break from his grasp. "No! Stop! Please!"  

I gasp for air and push myself into a sitting position. I'm drenched in water. I look over at Haymitch who has a bucket in his hands. "I'm sorry." He says quietly setting down the bucket by his feet.

I wipe some of the water off my face. "What...what happened?"

"You were yelling and thrashing around...."

"It was just a nightmare. I'm okay..." I glance at the clock, its only 8am.

"It's okay, Princess. I get them all the time." He pulls me into a comforting hug even though I'm still soaked.

I start cry involuntarily. "I saw her, Haymitch."

He pulls away. "Saw who?"

"Our daughter...she was in the arena." He stares blankly at me, I start breathing heavier. "She didn't move, she wouldn't. A Career pulled out a knife and slit her throat and left her to die." I start stuttering and even I don't know what I'm saying.

"Hey....that won't ever happen..." He hugs me tightly. "They can't hurt her. I won't let them..." He kisses the top of my head.

I try to stop crying but the warm tears keep flowing. "I should...." I sniffle and stand up. "I should change." I look at his shirt which has wet spots all over it now. "You should too."

He slips off his shirt and tosses it onto a chair, I feel my cheeks begin to blush. I've seen him bare chested before but each time I blush uncontrollably. I go to my closet and grab a dress for today.

I turn to Haymitch. "Do you mind?"

He nods in response and exits my room. I walk to the large mirror that hangs on my wall, I pull up the bottom if my shirt and place my hand on my stomach. I feel small flutters in my lower abdomen, its not strong enough to feel with my hand but I can tell its there. My little baby, nothing bad can happen to them as long as I'm around. I smile and change into my dress.

I walk downstairs to see Haymitch passed out in one of the chairs in the living room. Had he been awake the whole night? I decide I should let him sleep, I make my way to the couch and take a seat. I flick on the t.v. and quickly turn down the volume.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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