My Beloved Trainer

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Once upon a time, I was small, dark  blue and trainerless. But not for long, as I was one of three to be chosen by the new kid. The other two fought with each other over and over again about who would be chosen. When I piped in that I could be the chosen one, they laughed. They said no one would possibly choose a weakling like me who shoots water out of my nose.

Then she arrived. The young Trainer to be, getting her first starter Pokemon.

"We have Rowlet, the grass type Pokémon," Hala said. "And Litten, the fire type." He moved over to me. "And then Popplio, the water type." I barked, but it didn't come out very loud. I felt useless, and thought I surely wouldn't be chosen.

The girl looked at Rowlet and Litten adoringly. They were cute Pokémon, I didn't blame her. But when her eyes fell upon me, her entire face lit up. She leaned in towards me and looked at me up close. I could tell from her facial features that she was maturing quickly into a beautiful young woman.

She looked back towards Hala and pointed at me. Was she actually choosing me?

"Will you choose Popplio as your starter Pokemon?" Hala asked.

Was I really about to be chosen? Me?

She nodded, grinning from ear to ear. Rowlet and Litten looked very indignant.

"Well, the Pokémon also has to choose you." Hala picked me up and placed me on the stage.

She comes and stands on the other side, facing me. She leans forward with her hands on her knees, looking at me expectantly, her eyes shining.

Choose her? Of course I choose her!

I ran. I ran to her as fast as my dumb flippers could take me and barked. She lifted me gently in her arms.

And that's how I met my beloved Trainer.

We went on a lot of adventures together. Lots of Pokémon came and went from her party, but I was always the leader.

(Your name) made some friends too along the way. My favorite has always been Hau, because I get to kick Litten's furry booty.

After a while, something strange happened to me. I turned light blue, and got a white dress! The captains started calling me Brionne. But to (Y/N), I was still (nickname for Popplio/Brionne/Primarina). Lots of Pokémon went through similar, although not pleasant changes. Munchlax got fatter, so did Pichu. I'm not even going to talk about Rattata. I think I was the only one who got prettier.

But along with the dress and pigtails, something else changed. How I felt about things, other Pokémon and people, and especially (Y/N). It was like there was an upside down roller coaster inside me. 

Whenever (Y/N) would call my name, pet me, feed me, an odd feeling of warmth bubbled up in me, like some nice Tapu Cocoa. Whenever she would pet another Pokémon, I'd get a little cranky. Steenee said I should stop being jealous. I told her she was the one who was jealous because I was prettier than her. Then she started crying, and (Y/N) wasn't too happy with me. But she forgave me and thought I'd grow out of it.

I didn't.

When I changed for the second time, I turned white and my pigtails became beautiful, light blue flowing hair. And that's not all-I got my very own Z-Crystal. No other Pokémon can use it except me. With that crystal, (Y/N) and I are unstoppable.

I believe that the bond between me and (Y/N) is greater than any between her and any other Pokémon. I just don't see why she can't marry me instead of Lillie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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