Our cousin Darnell

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So thnx for the people who aren't jus reading my story but commenting and voting. So here's a chapter for u they finally got to their new school and things happen hmmm. And to get to that I need to explain their family so this will be short

Rosas pov

Me and jaden had the best night we played mini golf and karaoke. When we got home there was this boy there probably Leslie's age so about 2 years older than me
He stood "hey I'm Darnell-
"We'll hi there Darnell" Mary said flirty like. If she wasnt my sister...

"Mary Darnell is your cousin" my mom says with a stern look
"So Mary how's that flirting with your cousin going" I say while laughing. "Rosa" my mom says giving me the evil eyes.

" oops my bad" so Darnell explained how he was our cousin and how he was supposed to protect us and help us in our new school and he said he wanted to connect with us to get the cousin vibe so we went to the beach to hang out it was a really fun day. I hope tommorow will be a good day too our first day of school. I miss my besties.

Sorry I kno I'm being lazy but I'll make it up and lately I haven't been gettin enough sleep and I need a cover but I'll make it. New page comming tomorrow called " new school" any ways see ya and y'all beta comment. Bye bye and lelie's picture is in multi media

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