butt grabs ❥

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"I'm so glad you came!" One of your friends exclaimed, giving you a tight hug.

"Me too, it's been so long since i've seen you!" You smiled. It's true, you hadn't been able to spend much time with your friends because you had been spending so much time with Ethan lately, which you didn't really mind but you had to admit you did miss your friends.

"Yeah! We missed you!" She says, and hands you a drink which you happily accept.

"So, What have yo-" You gasp mid sentence due to someone squeezing your butt. You turn around quickly only to see Ethan with a huge smirk on his face, "E!"

"What?" He asks innocently, his hands behind his back.

You shake your head and roll your eyes while all of your friends laugh, making your cheeks go red.

This wasn't new to you, though. Ethan always squeezed your butt, especially around people to "show that you're his," He would say. You never really got used to it, plus, this was in front of your friends.

"Ooh, Y/N, you got yourself a cute one!" One of your friends whisper to you, eyeing Ethan up and down.

"Hey, eyes off my man," You joke and she laughs, sighing sarcastically,


A few minutes later you and your group of friends had traveled to the backyard where there was a beautiful pool.

"Incoming," Your friend warns you about Ethan coming and suddenly an idea pops into your head and you smirk.

"When he comes, walk inside and i'll meet you there." You whisper to them and they all nod with a smile.

As soon as Ethan gets close to you, all your friends start to walk away. You feel another squeeze to your butt and you put your hand over his, turning around quickly and putting your arms around his neck and getting really close to his face,

"Yes?" You whisper and his eyes widen,

"Um, what?" He asks, confused, "Since when do you play along?"

Ethan considered it a game when he squeezed your butt, he squeezed your butt and you blush and act like it never happened. This time you wanted to play along because, why not.

"Since I want you to leave me alone." You say, getting on your tippy toes and hovering your lips over his,

"You're such a tease," He sighs, running a hand through his hair making you laugh and get off your tippy toes.

"You love it though," You say with a wide smile and he grins back, leaning forward for a kiss but you put your hand in front of your mouth to prevent him from doing so, making him frown.

"You promise to let me hang out with my friends in peace?" You mumble, raising your eyebrows.

He sighs and puts on a thinking face, "How many kisses do I get if I say yes?"

"However many you want." You smile and he smirks.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." He points and you roll your eyes, "Fine, I promise!" He says and gives you a million dollar smile, making you lean forward and give him a kiss.

"One more." He says and you giggle, giving him another quick kiss but when you go to pull away, he pulls you closer and places his hands on your butt, giving it a squeeze making you squeal.

"Ethan!" You laugh, You could tell all your friends were watching but you didn't really mind.

"Last one, promise!" He raises his hands in the air, giving you one more quick peck and jogging towards his group of friends.

As you walk over to your group, you thought about how much you loved Ethan, and his annoying butt squeezes.

a/n -- lol thx for requesting, loved this request. hope you liked it, even with the terrible ending. I'm slowly getting to everyones requests so please bare with me!!!! 

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