Finally, after 2 years, the company is letting you become public with your boyfriend Jimin. Since you're both in pretty popular groups, BigHit was hesitant as to how the fans would react. They eventually realized it would be better to tell them now than have them find out another way.
You feel your nerves gathering as your first joint interview with Jimin draws nearer. It's going to be a very short interview because you're announcing this for the first time. It should only be typical couple questions.
You walk into the interview room with Jimin and sit down across from the woman who will be talking to you. Jimin senses how nervous you are so he grabs your hand and gives you a reassuring smile.
"I am joined today with Park Jimin and (y/n)," the interviewer begins, "Now, I've been told that the two of you have some exciting news for us. Is this correct?"
"Yes, there have been some rumors about me and (y/n) in the past, and we wanted to confirm that they're true," Jimin danced around the answer.
"We're dating," you say quickly, trying to finish your boyfriend's thought for him. You can feel yourself blushing and wish that you could just disappear. But, despite your wishes, the interviewer continues.
"I'm sure people are dying to know, how did you two get together?" She inquires. You smile as you remember that day, the happiest day of your life.
It was the first award show that you ever had the pleasure of going to. It was the greatest night of your life, at least until you got lost.
You'll never forget the equally confused look on Jimin's face as you ran into each other in a dark hallway. "Do you know the way out of here?" he asked, because you clearly knew what you were doing.
The two of you ended up wandering the large building together. You soon realized how much you have in common. You exchanged phone numbers and the rest is history.
You and Jimin go back and forth laughing at your own story as though the other people aren't even there.
When the interviewer says you're out of time, you actually feel kind of sad. This was really fun and you hope to do another one soon.
(A/N) I'm sorry that this was so bad!!! But anyways, this is dedicated to the amazing hayjay07 because she's the best 💜💜💜

RandomYou are an idol who is immensely in love with Park Jimin. You have only now been allowed to open up to the public about your relationship.