5. True colors

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Athena Coleman

I calm myself down and think about all the options I had. The hospital was practically a ghost town and no one was available at the moment. I didn't want to call the cops just yet because whoever the person was that held Khaliya in captivity was obviously intelligent enough to hear the sirens.

I re read the chilling texts she sent to me, silently cursing myself for not reading them earlier. I couldn't take this all on my own. Before I know it, I'm calling for help. I dial the only person I know that wouldn't mind coming down and helping me.

The phone rings for a while before I hear a raspy voice pick it up. "Shawn?" I say, my voice cracking as more tears stream down my face. I hear shuffling on the other line. "Hey. Athena. Is everything alright?" He asks, worry evident in his voice. "Just come to the hospital but park your car far. Try to walk secretly where no one can see you. I'm scared Shawn. I'll explain everything when you get here." I say fast at a whisper, hoping no one would hear me.

"I'm on my way." I hear him say before we hang up.

Once Shawn arrives, I see him pacing through the parking lot. I open the doors for him instantly as he wraps his self around me, hugging me. He notices my tear stained cheeks, and bloodshot eyes as he whispers. "What happened?"

I let more tears fall down my face as I do a full turn around making sure no one was watching us. I was so scared. I explain everything thats happening from the whole Sam thing to the texts I got from Khaliya. His eyes grow wide at every little detail that slips from my mouth.

"Sam Wilkinson?" He says, his voice suddenly dry. I nod, knowing that I didn't say his last name as I was explaining everything that was happening. I squint my eyes towards him in confusion. "Yeah, how did you kn--" I say before he grabs my hands and drags us into the employees restroom.

"Athena. I know who has Khaliya. It's Jack. Sam is his best friend and their practically a dynamic duo. Sam isn't as fucked up as Jack is, but he's close to it and he's most likely the one who set this whole thing up. Jack is probably looking for you this very second." Shawn says worriedly. I gulp before placing my head in my hands, ready to sob. Shawn grabs my cheeks, lifting my head up and staring into my eyes. "Were going to be fine. I promise. You helped me when I was hurt so now I can help you. I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt." I nod my head as he wraps us into a hug once again.

Somehow in the chaos of all of this, I feel safe in his embrace.

We break apart before he explains our plan of action. I listen thoroughly. Just as he's talking, the lights in the restroom begin to flicker more than usual. I feel my heartbeat race, and Shawn's face drop. "We have to go." He says, as I agree. We race out of the restroom, him holding onto my fragile hand. I glance at the stitches I gave him, bringing back the memory of us meeting. I smile slightly before he drags us into another room. I look around until I hear him gasp, and cover his mouth.

"What?" I ask before I turn to look at what he was staring at. My eyes grow in horror. A hospital staff member was laying in front of us, multiple syringes stuck in her back, blood pouring from her mouth. I muffle my upcoming scream. My body began to shake in fear I as back up into the wall. "Sh-Shawn." I stutter. He comes over my way. "He's been down this hall, which means he close." He replies back with.

I lay low in the corner of the dark room, as Shawn stares out the tiny rectangular window through the door. I attempt to control my breathing as I see Shawn kneel low to my level. He places his hand on my knee, staring at me intently. "Breathe, Athena."

My heart rate increases, nothing working. I close my eyes, exhaling though my nose before I feel a pair of soft lips against mine. I stand frozen for a second, before melting into the kiss my breathing steadying. Shawn pulls back, looking at me. "Are you okay? I heard that was supposed to help." He says, looking down shyly. I can't help but grin slightly. "It did." He gives me back a kind smile before we hear a deep voice coming from outside.

"Athena...you can't hide for that long! I have your best friend! Don't you want to see her live?" Jack says, my heart dropping. Shawn lays flat against the door and places a finger against his lips signaling for me to be quiet.

"The longer you stay hidden, the more doctors I find to kill." He says, viciously. I then hear a muffled scream coming from the same area he was in. I get up slightly, just enough to see through the window. I regret what I see immediately. Holding her hair tightly in a fist, he drags a pale Khaliya with him as she struggles to keep up. She has multiple layers of duct tape covering her mouth, muffling her screams and struggles to get out of his grip. He has a disgusting smirk propped against his face as he continues to pull her by his side. I slide back down the door, tears streaming from my eyes.

Once Jack passes our room, Shawn and I both let out a sigh of relief before Shawn quickly opens the door and interlocks our hands together as we run into the opposite direction from Jack.

Were running as quietly as we can before I stumble and trip to the ground, my shoe making a loud sound as I trip. Shawn tries to get me up but I stand there, frozen. I hear Jack's footsteps make their way to us before Shawn lets go of his grip entirely from me.

I'm still laying against the cold tile floor when I spot Jack at the nearest end of the hallway. Khaliya struggling against him. He smirks down at me, deceivingly before noticing Shawn.

"Shawn?" He says, his voice drenched in sudden confusion.

I'm about to speak when I feel Shawn kick into my side really harshly. I hear Khaliya scream as Shawn continues to kick me, my sight slowly blurring away. The last thing I see before i'm completely knocked out is the vivid smirk plastered against Shawn's face.

Authors note
U know I had 2 do it. ;) stuffs about to get serious though and I'm excited for it!

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