Chapter 4: Things just got more complicated

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"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!" You let out an ear-piercing scream of shock. "Gyokuen is your stepmom?" 

"Yes," Kouen let's out a sigh.

"Bu-but..... NOOOOOOOOO! Why King Solomon why?" You dramatically cry as you fall to your knees.

Kouen, still getting used to your antics, watches in both amusement and shock. "Are you done yet?" he asks after maybe seven or so minutes.

"No...not yet." You glower in the corner. "I gotta at least make some mushrooms."

"I don't think you can grow mushro--"

You pick up a mushroom and throw it at Kouens open mouth.

"--and I stand corrected."  Kouen spits out the mushroom in disgust.

Highly amused Kouha watches his brother and you interacting. 'Looks like brother En's getting along well with the guest~.' Kouha grins and walks off.

Kouen looks up and sees long, braided pink hair exit the room. He growls already knowing what was going through his younger brother's head. Who could blame Kouha though you and Kouen for the past week have been hanging out non-stop? Yes, you've been in the Magi world for a week now. 

You notice Kouen's scowl and poke his cheek. "What's with that face?" You ask continuing to poke his poor cheek.

Kouen grabs your abusive finger. "Nothing. Now let's get on the topic of King Solomon." he dismisses changing the subject.

Your eyes sparkle in delight. "YayYay!!" With that, you spend another two hours with the red-headed Prince on the topic of King Solomon.


You were leaning against the railing looking up at the sky. Your mind was racing with ways to get back to your family, Fairy Tail. If you wanted to go home you already knew you had to kill Gyokuen. But you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had made with Kouen.

Your bangs cover your darkening eyes. "Stupid bangs!" sighing you blow your annoying hair out of your face. "I think I'll go take a look at the world I'll be living in. After all, I'll need to wait longer in order to kill her." you hum twirling your hair around your finger.

Judar was laying in his peach tree when he saw a shadow jumped out of a window. 'isn't that the room where shortie sleeps?' Curious he gets up and follows the shadow. When the person jumps on the roof where the moon glows he see that it's really you.

'What is she doing up at this hour?' Feeling more motivated he sneaks his way up from behind. You say something that he doesn't quite catch. You turn around and look at him, your eyes dark with hidden emotions but he can tell that you look ready to cry. It makes him uncomfortable.

"I asked, 'Why are you following me?'" You repeat.

"I'm just on a midnight stroll shortie. I should ask why you're outside the palace at this time of night." He reputable with a smirk.

"I'm just on a night stroll myself." You mock looking up at the moon.

"Oh? Care if I join you?" He asks already standing next to you.

You turn your head and smiles brightly at him. "Why not? There's no harm in going on a walk." You shrug.




Judar's heart quickens. He feels his face heat up, so he looks away from you and lets out a scuff. "Good I was gonna join you either way." An easy lie flows from his lips.

Why is my heart beating so hard? All she did was smile at me. He looks towards you again but this time your eyes are closed as your face stares up at the full moon. The moon's light glows on her (s/c) flawless skin, making you look like a goddess.

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