chapter 1

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Zoe's point of view:

The tears burned down my cheeks like hot lava as i ran into the hotel room door. this couldn't be happening again, not now, not here. i knock ferociously on the door until slightly drunk joe opens it.

'oh, hey zoe.' joe slurs.

i push straight past him and run to the bathroom, i look at myself in the mirror and see the makeup cascading down my face and onto my white collar. my breathing increases and joe walks in.

'what's wrong?' he says and looks at me puzzled.

i shake my head and walk over to the window. i fight with the lock until it opens and the fresh air cools my face and my breathing slowly calms down.

'zoe,' joe says 'what was that?'

i tuck my hair behind my ear and close the window.

'nothing, don't worry about it...'

i turn to leave the bathroom but joe isn't going to let me past.

'it obviously wasn't nothing zoe, tell me'

i sigh and bite my lip.

'joe, i have no idea what it is  it all i know is it isn't very nice so please can i go i need to get some sleep'

joe looks at me as if he can't quite believe me but he moves out the way and i leave.

i'm staying in a hotel room with louise, my chummy, it's great but she complains about missing darcy almost 24/7. i look down at my phone to see the time.

saturday the 12th of june 2012

suddenly i hear foot steps behind me and then almost immediately after i feel a friendly hand on my shoulder. it's Alfie.

'hey zoe,' he says and looks at my face, a lock of shock hits his face 'are you ok?'

i nod my head and force a smile 'i'm fine'

he looks at me for a second then smiles, he hands me an envelope and on the front it says

'do not open until you get into your room'

i look back up from the letter and he is going back down the corridor, i walk back to my room and louise is in there on facetime to Matt.

'hey louise' i call over and walk straight to the bathroom to wipe off my makeup. i look down at my hand and see the envelope.

i'm in my room so i decide to open it. it looks like nothing is inside until a folded piece of paper falls out and onto the floor. i pick it up and unfold it's tight folds. 

it states:

'07528124225, call me? :) alfie'

alfie's number? why? i get out my phone and add the number to my contacts and decide to text him.

zoe: hey alfie (:
alfie: hi, guess you got the letter 😅
zoe: yeah
alfie: i was wondering...
zoe: what?
alfie: did you want to meet by the lobby of the hotel and have dinner sometime this week? ☺️
zoe: that sounds lovely! when do you want to do it?
alfie: what are you doing tonight?
zoe: nothing after 5 😄
alfie: want to meet at 6 by the lobby?
zoe: sure 🙂

i set my phone by the sink, is this a date or...?

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