Not Safe For Erwin

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Your hands run through his silky blonde hair; his icy blue eyes glare at you seductively, like a tiger.
He moans, sending shivers down your spine.
He moans again, but higher, more; annoying....
err! errr! errr!
Dammit... Alarm...
Your turn around in bed and grab your phone, turning off the alarm.
You scroll through Instagram, like a few photos and turn off the phone, the apple logo on the back of it glimmers slightly in the light of the fairy lights hung up in your room.
You swing your feet over the edge of the bed, and run your hand through your hair.

After showering, you slip on a slightly small and scandalous black dress.
Despite your efforts, you couldn't stop thinking about the dream with Erwin.
Erwin was some big shot back at the office... A CEO, that is. He always had a black or grey suit with a blue tie that matched his eyes,  his blonde hair shines and his smile makes you weak in the knees...

As you walk into the almost empty office, your best friend Denise was there.

"Oh my gooossshhh!" she squeals. You blush lightly.
"What?" a small giggle escapes your mouth.
"That little black dress boo!" she squeals.
You playfully role your eyes and head into your office.
Your office has all glass windows that look out into all the silent little cubicles.

You had the position of marketing manager, you handled all the numbers and statistics and math.

After about 30 minutes sorting through papers, you here a faint door click through your windows, signaling someone walking in, yet another person to be annoyed by. You turn your head like a dog does when he hears a loud noise.

You see a tall, seductive man wearing perfect black rim glasses.
You smirk lightly and bite your lip.

He walks into the office next to yours, you hear him through the thin walls put his suitcase down.
Every time you think of him chills are sent down your spine.

You were already worried about him seeing your dress, so short and revealing-

You take a long black cardigan and put it on trying to cover yourself. You put on glasses and let your hair cover your blushing face.

He walks into your office, you try
not to squeal with every muscle in your body.

He sets down a stack of papers on your desk. He pushes his glasses up.

"Come on, Y/N" he says shamefully but you completely ignore that due to the fact that he is just so irresistible...
You look at the papers, that have an infamous red stamp of shame... Meaning hours of paperwork denied.

"Whats wrong with it?" you ask.

"What the fuck do you mean whats wrong with it? All of them have wrong information, when did you get so lazy Y/N?"

You blushed in anger, embarrassment and shame...

"I-I'll check through it again-" you stutter.

"No, Y/N. Fix them. Do it all again. This work is fucking shameful from my marketing manager." he rages.
You feel his icy blue eyes scanning up and down your body.
"I expect you in my office 10 minutes before close-down." he says. And without a word, you watch him leave your office.

You put your head down, and tears well up in your eyes.

You begin to think why you ever thought such silly things about him, you started to feel so much embarrassment and sheer shame for the dream you had; you felt so on edge.

You take all the paper and click a pen. Grabbing a new copy, you take a deep, rather annoyed breath and head to the copy room.

As you rush down the hall in hopes not to see Erwin, you scurry to the copy room and make some copies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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