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Jimin: I will destroy both of you
Jimin: I will fucking rip your dicks off and sew them to your face as your nose
Jimin: I will shove you off a building that's not too high so you'll just be in pain but won't die

Jungshook: J I M I N  P L E A S E

TaeTae☺️: we did it cause we love you

Jimin: the fuck is wrong with you?
Jimin: Yoongi hasn't talked to me in days now
Jimin: why did you guys say all that stuff?
Jimin: you probably scared him off
Jimin: you ruined our friendship

Jungshook: Yoongi is just oblivious
Jungshook: he'll come around I promise

Jimin: I don't want him to come around
Jimin: I want him to go to college and meet people his age
Jimin: if Yoongi and I start dating, he'll be tied down to a high schooler while he has a chance to meet people who are interested in the same things as him
Jimin: it's not worth it
Jimin: I love Yoongi more than anything in this entire world
Jimin: so I'm not going to force him to be with me
Jimin: I just wanted his friendship
Jimin: but now that's fucking gone

Jimin has left the group chat

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