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It's totally 3 am and I haven't sleep yet... I just can't. ..


That's all I have right now. Since the night I left Lauren crying while begging to me not leave her and the girls. I want to go back to say sorry to her , and hug her tight but I know I can't. Because when I left that rooftop I already knew THERE'S NO GOING BACK.

I went back to my hotel room and silently cried there.

. I hate myself because I made my Lauren to cry like that. She even begged the hell out of me, for me to stay and changed my mind.

I broke her heart into a million pieces. She never done things that will make me feel bad. She treated me her as her Everything. Lauren always make me feel so worthy, beautiful, deserving and loved. She always save me from unnecessary stuffs. And she loves me without inhibition and beyond limitation.

But I been a fucking bitch to her in return!!!

I broke her heart.

I left her because of my fears.

I want to be with her forever but I know Iam not able to.

I need to be strong for both of us.

I already prepared myself on what will happen between me and Lauren after I left her. If she will get mad at me. IF will still talk to me. IF we can still be FRIENDS. IF she don't want to get near of me. IF she still wanna see me.

So many WHAT IF'S are on my mind. And just thinking that Lauren don't want to see me again or even talk to me again. It makes my mind goes crazy like hell!!!!!

But it's going to be my consequences because of what I have done to her...

Now I am a truly "LOSER WHEN IT COMES TO LOVE" I couldn't fight for the us. For the person I love and I want to have in my life. Because I just gave up to us easily.

*phone Ringsssssssss*

《Mah Cheechee♡》


I'm just staring at my phone, thinking if I'll answer it or not. But even though my hands are shaking I swipe to answer the call.

I cleared my throat. And say nothing just waiting for Dinah to say something.

"Hey. How are you? " she asked me with a low tone of voice.

"I'm good. I'm in my hotel room. " I replied to her and trying not to make my voice to crack.

"Aww. Okay. You should sleep and get some rest Mila."

"How is Lau----ren?" As I say her name my voice finally cracked. My traitor tears started to fall again.

"She's sleeping now, she finally calm down. And get tired of crying " Dinah said from the other line.

I get confused when she said "finally calm down ". I was scared and worried about Lauren! Omg

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