When Rocks Fly

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Hey everyone this a new story idea that just popped in my head! I hope you really like it! Please let me know if you do so I can decide to keep going or not! Thanks for reading!Hope you enjoy!

Be sure to check out my newest story Wanton!

 Chapter 1: When Rocks Fly

It was a sweltering afternoon in late August and my father was drinking , in celebration. My mother swore we'd never have live with it again, but these circumstances did not allow her to keep her promise. She's off in England growing pale and wealthy by the day while we stayed in California frying the skin off of our backs waiting for her allowances.

 The special occasion that cracked out the beer and ice was a new family unpacking their boxed crap into a cave next door. Whoever sold that pigsty must have worked miracles. What you would call a front yard was a jungle of chipped garden gnomes and over grown weeds that even Jack and the Beanstalk would be jealous of.

 I kept and eye on my old man from the upstairs balcony to make sure he didn't show off any of his lame dance moves from the 70's that would embarrass the hell out of me. He was serving them drinks and snacks. His beer belly was unfolding out of his wrinkled flannel shirt. Great,Three seconds of company and he was nearly out of his clothes. I grimaced and decided to help prevent him from further exposure by joining his company in the kitchen.

 I turned on the vivid light in the bathroom which sent my sight into complete shock.Bright lights are not my thing. I stumbled around the bathroom slipping on the tile and I managed to hit the soap pump which shot a blast of Pomegranate & Mango Infusion into my left eye.

 "Gah!" I shrieked.

 I tried to rub it which just made it ten times worse.

 "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" I sang reaching for the faucet.

 I turned it on full blast and the water flung out of the basin and onto my long sandy hair turning it to curls and wetting my shorts and tank top.

 "Oh awesome!" I spit out water.

I slipped and hit my head on the side of the bathtub echoing a loud bang down stairs causing my eyes to tear up a little.

 "Ughhhh" I grunted trying to pick myself up "I swear this world isn't made for --"

 "Are you all right?" rang an unfamiliar husky voice.

 "Um, yeah I just...psh..fell." I cautiously rose with my back to him.

 "Here I got you."

 He lifted me up like I was a piece of paper. I turned and met his face. For a moment I forgot to breathe. He had a perfectly framed face and fringed chestnut hair that fell into place. His eyes were brown with gold flecks dashed in them. His skin glowed deep from the thirsty California sun outlining every muscle and crevice that wasn't covered by his creme button up shirt and ripped dark denim jeans. His breath radiated the smell of mint. A smile grew across his moist lips and I snapped back into reality. I shook it off.

 "Uh, thanks." I filed out of the bathroom leaving him behind.

 I was nearly down the winding stairs with my curls bouncing everywhere dying from embarrassment when--

"Hey, wait." he mouthed waving his hand to signal me.

"Umm..o-oh-okay." I stuttered balancing on the last step.

He booked the stairs like it was nothing and caught up to me. He grinned flashing his perfect teeth. Oh gosh,I'm going to melt into the floor boards he's so hot.

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