Spiderman To The Rescue

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He painted it all. Like a visual story book. It was deep and so special. 

The whole room bursted out into sudden applause and Zane pulled me into his hard chest with a true smile spread across his face.

"Well, are you going to kiss him or not?" a joyful old woman clothed in silk jeered with her wine glass trembling in her wise fingers

I hooked my arms around Zane's neck grabbing a handful of the hair at the nape of his neck. His warm hands fell to my waist and he traced his thumb over my lips. And we did. 

"Young love.." I heard the old woman's shaky voice mutter

Chapter 26: Spiderman To The Rescue

Over the weekend, I found myself bundled up in bed with a horrible cold and headache. My dad and Hunter went on a trip to go watch a famous hockey game out of town so I was home alone and miserable. I swaddled myself in tons of blankets but still couldn't seem to keep warm. Somehow my toes kept peeping from under the covers which made me freezing cold. I was lounging around in tight boy shorts, my hair down and tangled, and wore a limp faded red T-Shirt that said California written in fancy cursive letters across the front that Scar let me borrow in junior high that I forgot to return.

I heard the window unlatch and whip open unexpectedly. My breath choked up in my throat and I fell off of my bed from fear.

"Hey" Zane chimed and stepped in through the window

"Shit, Zane. You nearly killed me" I huffed and untangled my legs from the tight blankets

"Sorry, Zoe" he lowered himself into the room and ambled over to help me to my feet

I noticed his messy brown hair was tousled back sexily, he was wearing baggy sweatpants drooping to his hips, and was shirtless before he pulled me up.

"Babe, I don't feel good" I murmured and attempted to run a hand through my knotted hair falling to my back

"Aww come here" he lifted me up into his strong arms and pressed me down on to the soft bed 

Face to face, he brushed the blonde curls from my eyes and hooked his legs over mine engulfing me in his warmth. His tan chest heaved up and down with his muscles rippling during every breath.

"Where were you when my blankets failed?" I laughed painfully which only resulted in a fit of coughs

"At the store" he reached over and pulled out a plastic bag

Zane emptied the contents onto the bed which included tissues, soup, movies, medicine, and a teddy bear. I felt my heart flutter and I couldn't help but smile at him. He was the best boyfriend ever.

"I wish I wasn't sick so I could kiss you" I whispered and took his face in my tiny hands

His chocolate brown eyes darted under his lashes and his cheeks were freckled pink and cold from being outside. I traced my fingers down his smooth neck and over his firm defined chest. His eyes suddenly flashed like a switch went off inside of him.

"I don't mind getting a cold for you, babe" he grabbed my chin, brought his lips to mine, and kissed me

"I love you" I whispered breaking away

"I love you too" his voice was low and raspy as his cool breath tickled my neck

I wanted him to keep talking, his voice addicting. I pressed myself against his hips and wrapped my arms around his torso as he slipped his around my neck. I laid there breathing in his comforting fruity scent

"You're so amazing" I mumbled ito his chest

"Because I'm Spiderman, duh. Spiderman to the rescue" he chuckled and I could hear it echo and vibrate through his body

Giggles rose up in my chest like little bubbles and Zane unlatched himself from me.

"You hungry?" his eyebrows rose

I was going to shake my head no until I felt my stomach tighten and pain shot around as it growled.

"Yeah" I yawned cuddling up into my blankets that I pulled off of the floor

My eyes began to lower and my head swayed as I fought with myself to stay awake. Zane fiddled with the DVD player and shoved in a disc. The beginning movie trailers flipped through as he cleared the bed of the items and placed the teddy bear in my arms.

"Be right back, Zoe" he whispered

I don't even remember him leaving the room. It was too late and sleep got the best off me. I passed out like a little hibernating bear.

I know, I know. It's so short! I just have a bit of writers bloockkk. I wanted to update something so here it is. Sorry that is super short. I apologize. I'm just very busy lately with too much on my plate.

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