You should've stopped my dear boy
Now what am I to do with this pain
I see your motionless body laying
All your blood, running through my hands
I should've stopped you
My dear boy, I lost you
What am I to do with this feeling
Why dear boy? I couldn't save you my boy
I'm left with your blood-stained corpse
Curse this world... Curse this life
I face deception...a wall
Why am I picking up this gun?
The pain is consuming me
I understand your pain, my little boy
Now I know how strong you were
I'm not...I'm just weak
Now I stand here, this gun to my head
I try to pull the trigger, it's hard
Tears flush down my cheeks
This heart-stabbing pain
Bam! He pulled the trigger
Blood all over the walls as the bullet broke through him
Smashed his life
He flew like a caged bird
A life that ended