Are you strong enough ?

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"If you could see your whole life laid out in front of you, would you change things?" Dr Louise Banks - The Arrival

Put another way, would you rob someone of their existence, and yourself of the time shared with them on Earth, if you knew they would one day feel pain, and you would feel their loss?

Or could you live knowing that every moment, every second spent brings you closer to the end ? The departure of one, the death of the other. Could you accept to live those amazing moments knowing the tragical end ? All the pain it would cause... To lose the most important persons of your life because of a choice you made.

But could you just ignore those moments ? You already experienced, lived them, you already suffered, but you also spent so marvelous times with those two people you love more than everything

Do they desevre to suffer ? No. And you know you can spare them. But can you rob those moments from them ? His heart, her life. She's everything to you, to him. You are everything to her. She's so amazing, she enjoys life so much. Can you take that away from her ? Or let her live her short, but beautiful, life.

You know he will let you down, run away because he can't take it. He's not as strong as you are, the pain is too big for him. He hates you, he doesn't know how to act in front of his own daughter anymore. He's so lost. And she feels like he left her. But it's because you told him the – impossible to face – truth. It's your fault.

Would you regret anything ?

Did it help to save the world ? Yours, and theirs. What did they learn to you ? What was their message ? Can you escape the future ? Time's non linear, it's almost non-real.

Future isn't written in stone, you can change it. Maybe, maybe it will change itself. You can see the future, even if your past is different, if your present is not the same at the time. Time is not, and never will be, the same anymore. Maybe you will find a solution, giving you those moments and taking the pain away. Destroying it, making it never exist.
Can you handle to take the risk ? Can you imagine losing your beloved future husband in eight years because you took this, hard, decision alone ?

You know, deep inside, what your choice is, and you won't change your mind. But those questions desevre to be asked. This is not an easy decision, you know you will think about it for a long, long time. But in the end, your choice is long made.

Just enjoy every moment until the deadline. Just live, and love. You already love her with all your heart, and she's not even born yet or to be born. You're selfish, you know you can't not know her. What if every memory of Little Nose's life just dissapeared if you choose to not let her come ?

But think...

Could you lose your husband and daughter twice ?

Are you strong enough ?

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