Setting the Stage for Haikyuu!! Character x Reader

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Ever since you saw a volleyball tournament when you were seven years old you haven't stopped training. It was like the court called your name and you didn't even hesitate.

Volleyball was about the only thing you took seriously. Your only friends were your teammates. You only aced your spikes. You only studied your opponents. You were like a god, and you prided yourself on it because it was the only thing you were really good at.

Too bad it all ended in your 3rd year of junior high school. You were competing in the girls volleyball tournament with a shot at playing in junior nationals. All you had to do was beat Chidoriyama's girl team and you could advance.
Maybe if you had stretched a little better, or didn't try to jump as high. Maybe then you wouldn't have fallen. Maybe then you wouldn't have dislocated your ankle. Your team didn't win and you weren't able to advance to  junior nationals. You couldn't even play volleyball anymore. Not with the possibility of your ankle dislocating again. Though it matter to you, because the pain of losing volleyball was worse than any swollen ankle.

That was last year and your ankle was completely healed. The hole in your heart probably would never heal but you kept a brave face for the world. 'No one needs to know how much it hurts, they don't need to be burden with my mistake.' That's what you always told yourself. So it wasn't surprising when, on your first day, you walked to school with your best friend and told her you were fine.
"It barely hurts anymore!" You said with your most cocky grin.
"That's not exactly what I was talking about when I ask if your were okay.." Chiyoe said with a sigh.
"It really is fine! Besides I'm super excited to be starting high school, so that trumps not being able to play volleyball." Just saying it stung.
"You.. You really are strong, aren't you (F/N)-chan?"
"I have no idea what your talking about Chiyoe! Now let's get to class!" 'It hurts so much.'
"Is there any clubs you want to join (F/N)?"
Your heart stopped at those words, "hmm.. I dunno.."
Chiyoe gave you her best smile and said, "then.. How about managing the volleyball team?!"
"Huh?" You deadpanned.
"Managing would be perfect for you, you could give them tips and help them beat anyone they face!"
"You make it sound like I'm a miracle worker."
"Oh come on (F/N)! You're really good and I'm sure you can help the team dominate!"
'Really good', those words sounded and felt like a punch to the gut. You were good, REALLY good. But it didn't matter now.
"No thanks.. What about you Chiyoe are you gonna join the v-volleyball team?" You basically just threw up those words.
Her smile vanishes, "y-yeah, I am."
"That's good, I promise to go to every game to cheer you on." You start walking faster, "I'll, uh, I'll see you tomorrow Chiyoe."
"Bye!" You wobble run all the to your house and fling yourself onto you bed. "Stupid ankle.." You cling to your pillow hoping to forget all your troubles.
Two weeks pass and you spend your time with Chiyoe and (internal cringe) in the yearbook club. Though today was a special day because yearbook was canceled and you had nothing to do. So you decided to wait for Chiyoe at her practice. It couldn't hurt to watch one practice.

You walked around and made your way over to a gym where you could hear balls smacking the floor. You opened the door and froze as you watch the scene unfold. You watched a boy, who couldn't be more than 4.2,  jump up and do a quick that seemed impossible. Not only that, the setter threw the ball looked as if he knew exactly where the short boy was going to spike it. If that wasn't enough, you saw guys that seemed ridiculously tall, a libero executing a dig perfectly, and a jumping float that definitely could use some work but was still pretty impressive. To a volleyball lover, this was heaven. Until they all noticed you and you became the center of attention.
"U-uhh.." You could practically see how red your face was.
"Is there something you need?" Asks a guy with a headband, who you assumed was the coach.
After a couple seconds of pulling yourself together, "w-what was that?"
He looks confused "what was what?"
"T-t.. That quick! That almost perfect set! Why was that guys eyes closed?! How is your libero so fast?! You guys are already learning how to perform a float serve?!"
Everyone looks stunned at your sudden outburst and stares at you as you try to catch your breath.
The coach breaks the awkward silence, "s-so you're a volleyball fan then?"
You look at him, "huh? O-oh yeah something like that.." You itch your nose awkwardly, "I'm sorry for interrupting, I'm (F/N) (L/N). I just got lost so uh don't mind me, I'll be on my way."
You turn to walk away when you hear "almost perfect set?" You turn to see the raven-haired setter staring at you.
"O-ohh I just meant that you're really tense so when you form a triangle with your hands to set the ball you're not properly connecting." You give a quick little example. "You would be able to maneuver better if you relaxed a little."
That earns you a glare from the setter before he looks down at his hands for a second.
"Hinata, let's try the quick again."
The excited orange-haired boy nods enthusiastically and gets into position.  The balls goes up and the short boy speeds across the court and, with a perfect set, the balls hits other side.
All while you stand there with your mouth opened looking like an idiot. 'He listened to my advice.. And it helped.'
"Wahhhh! That was awesome!~" The orange-haired boy is basically jumping on top of the setter.
"Knock it off Hinata!"
You couldn't believe how good it felt to have been able to help them, it was almost like you had spiked that ball.
"Excuse me, sir?" You walked over to the coach.
"Huh? Sir..? Haha! You don't have to call me sir, I'm Keishin Ukai, just call me Ukai."
"Ah r-right, Ukai, is there way I could help this team?"
"Help the team?"
"I mean could I be like a manager o-or something..?"
"Hmm.. Well we already have a manger but if you want you could be an assistant manager."
Your face lights up, "really? T-thank you so much Ukai!" You bow your head, "I promise I'll work hard!"
"Wow! You take volleyball really seriously and you seem to know your stuff. I bet you play!"
Your face falls, "yeah.. I did." Hopefully he doesn't ask why because you really didn't want to explain.
He seemed to pick up your feelings and instead says "well your experience will be a big help, so I'm happy to welcome you to the team! Now let's introduce you to everyone."
You walk over to the group of boys and smile. 'This might be fun' you think to yourself. Because one of these boys has already caught your eye and he returns the glance.
Note// Hiya! I just wanted to say a couple things after completing the prologue-like thing. One, I'm definitely not a professional writer, in fact I'm only 16 so please ignore the grammar errors. Two, the stories I'm writing are a little longer than oneshots and have more of a plot to them. I guess I'll call them short stories. Three, as the relationship between the "reader character" and the Haikyuu character develops there might be some sexual content (I'm only 16 so it won't be a full-out porno). So keep that in mind when continuing. Four, the reader characters personality will be a little different for each character depending on what I think they would be most attracted to. I may go a little OOC, but sometimes that can't be helped. That's all, enjoy!//

Haikyuu!! Character x Reader: Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now