chapter 1 - new school again

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Photo is the three boys, Lukas, Kyran and Nathan. Who's the hottest? ;)


Cailee sighed, climbing out of her car and glancing at her timetable, which read "Beaufort High School, Cailee Anderson, Class 11A. Cailee sighed again, she had been to 6 different schools the past year and now she would have to learn new material all over again, it would be a miracle if she managed to graduate with all of these moves. But as far as Beaufort High was concerned, there were absolutely no records of a Cailee Anderson in the system. That was because they had all been wiped from the system every time she changed towns.

Cailee was brooding on everything that had happened over the past 8 years when suddenly she felt a hard force hit her and herself and the rock that had just run into her went tumbling onto the wet ground.

She angrily sat up and looked at the person, or rather, idiot, who had run into her. She was about to say something when whoever the incoherent dumbass was on the floor stood up. Wow he was actually pretty hot. Brown messy hair, emerald green eyes and tan skin. He was about 6"1 and wearing beige shorts and a blue shirt that clung lightly to his chest, revealing his 6 pack.

Maybe he would have been even hotter if he wasn't glaring angrily at her, his eyes flashing.

"You know, when people are walking, its common courtesy to move out of their fucking way," he said angrily

Oh hell no. No fucking way in hell was I going to be pushed around by some cocky jock who was the one at fault.

"Listen here, you cocky fuck. I was walking, you are the uncoordinated bitch that ran into me, chasing your buddies over there. If you are desperate to get some dick, go to a gay bar rather than chase some baboons around trying to get it okay? And for the record, I know exactly what you jock boys are like. You think Jesus shines out of your fucking ass, well newsflash asshole, your the same as the rest of us just with some added good looks. So go buy yourself a new set of manners, or better yet a new fucking personality, you peanut brain."

The guy and his mates stood there looking flabbergasted. When one of the guys sexy mates said

"Holy shit girl, your hot and you have balls. Wow," I blushed a bit.

The second friend looked me up and down, than dropped into a kneel before me and said "I pledge my allegiance to you, queen of putting Nathan in his place!" And started kissing my shoes. Literally. I jumped back, startled at these guys weird behaviour, maybe they had some brain deficiencies?

The guy who I assumed was Nathan took one look at me, than at his friends and stormed past me. I rolled my eyes, loser.

The guy who was kneeling stood up and held out a hand. "Lukas but you can call me Luke. And you are?" I slowly shook his hand and said "Um, Cailee" he was hot, blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin. Your classic beach boy.

The other guy had brown hair and brown eyes. Again, your classic beach poster boy. He grinned at me, grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'm Kyran, your pretty hot. I like then feisty," he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes again. Great, a man whore.

"Yeah okay. Well, uh I better get going. I have Lit first and I need to find my way around this place," I said with a smile.

"Oh I have lit first period, I can take you. Anything for a pretty lady!" Said Kyran with a grin.

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