Chapter 1

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Meryl Beasley is a 20 year old girl who lives in small town near London. She has the biggest dream of her life. Meryl wants to move to new apartment in London and to find a job there.
She addicted to writing. In her childhood she always was reading something or trying to write. So it was a beginning of her hobby.
Meryl understands what writers don't get so much money but she can do nothing. She tried to learn how to cook, teach, sell but no one thing was her except writing. While Meryl writes, she imagines her own world without of rules and laws. This world was made by people's love and tears of laughing.
But it is just a piece of her image...The real world is still cruel and inhuman...
Meryl has long brown wavy hair, cream color skin, brown eyes with green points, tiny nose and lips as two red and long strips. Also she has wonderful dimples which decorated her face. Meryl is tall and notable. She does sports 4 times at weekend so she has nice body.

One day, Meryl decided to make her dream true. She looked for an apartment in London in the net. It was really hard to choose because whole apartments were incredible!
"Dear, why don't you look at this one?" asked her mother, touching the computer monitor.
"Mum, how many times have I to tell you that I want to live in the center! And you show me apartments in the West or South!". Meryl rolled her eyes.
"Because of the price! Look at apartment's price which is in the center and which in the South!" said mother. She took a hard breath and went out of room.
"Think yourself. I'll cook something for lunch. Do you have any orders?" asked she, staying in the hall.
"Uum, I would be happy to eat tuna salad" answered Meryl, continued looking at the computer.
Meryl was so tired. She watched about one hundred advertisements and still didn't find the perfect one. She got out of the bed and went to her mother.
"Mum, I can find nothing." said Meryl sadly and sat at the corner of the table.
"We have got chairs for your ass specially" noticed mother continued making the lunch. Meryl rolled the eyes again but she listened to her mother and sat at the chair as normal person.
"I repeat. I can find nothing!" said Meryl. She took an apple, threw it in the air and caught it.
"Dear, I showed you some good variants but you didn't like them." Mother turned around and looked to Meryl.
"I know. But all your variants wasn't in the center." answered Meryl and took a plate with salad.
"Meryl, whole people have dreams but not always they come true. People have to find the way out of different situations and this way may be other than dream. Do you understand me?" asked mother and sat next to daughter. Meryl didn't answer. She was eating her lunch in silence.
After eating, Meryl went to her room. She sat at the bed. She thought about mum's words, her life and dream.
"So hard" thought Meryl and lay on the bed. She didn't notice how her eyes closed. Meryl was so tired...
Girl woke up because of the noise from kitchen. She moaned but stayed up and went to the noise source.
"What's happened here?" asked Meryl, walking towards the kitchen.
"Nothing special, honey. I just wanted to make the pudding for your good mood" answered mother and smiled with the prettiest smile in the world.
"Aww mommy, I love you. I don't know how I will live without your pudding" said Meryl and hugged her mother. She grinned.
"I thought I'm more important than the pudding" answered the mother kept smiling.
Meryl giggled. Her mother always understands she better than whole people. And she always can do Meryl in good mood.
Meryl went to the living room to her favourite place in whole house. She stayed near the window and looked into it. The sun was shining and birds flew on the air. Meryl went to the small cozy terrace. Flowers fill up the air with their smell. Meryl smiled and went toward the small garden. She sat to the grass. Sun lighted her face.
Suddenly she heard the voice in the back. She turned and saw her neighbour Jeffrey.
Jeffrey is 21 years old boy. He is very shy and quiet so Meryl didn't know much about Jeffrey.
"Good night Jeffrey. How are you? I haven't seen you since two weeks. Did you travel?" asked Meryl with smile. Jeffrey smiled awkwardly in the back.
"Good night Meryl. I'm fine, thank you. I was in London. There lives my girlfriend. And how's your life going?"
Meryl was surprised. She didn't know about new Jeffrey's girlfriend. "Even an awkward boy has his pair! And I haven't" though Meryl.
"Hm, I don't know what to say. First side says all is well but second says the cases can be better" answered Meryl.
"What's wrong?" asked Jeffrey. His grey eyes was consistent on Meryl's face.
"I can't find apartment in London...This morning I watched about one hundred apartments and couldn't find the perfect one..." answered Meryl. Sadness heard in her voice.
"Oh, but why? Is it because of money?"
"No, it's because all variants aren't similar with my dream" said Meryl. She stood up and walked toward Jeffrey. He was thinking.
"Hm, and what is your dream?" asked he slowly.
"I don't care about design and size I just want to live in center." said Meryl.
"Oh, I can help you. My girlfriend has one friend who sell her apartment in London. It's a beautiful house in the center of the city. I'll give you her telephone number so you can call she. Also she can make a discount for you because of our friendship." said Jeffrey and smiled. Meryl was so excited.
"Omg! Are you kidding me? If it's a joke stop it right now!" exclaimed Meryl while was jumped.
"It isn't a joke. I'll come in a minute. Wait please" said Jeffrey and went back to his house. Meryl couldn't trust her luck.
Jeffrey came back with small paper. Here was written a telephone number. Meryl took it, gave a huge hug to Jeffrey and ran into the house. She didn't want to lose her chance.
Mother saw daughter's happiness and asked "What's happened, dear? You look as the sun shining in the sky"
Meryl tried to show the answer with gestures but something gone wrong.
"Late mommy. I guess I found my perfect apartment!" whispered Meryl.
|Telephone call|
-Hi, it's Phoebe!, - said girl in the phone. Her voice was pretty but childish.
-Hello Phoebe. I'm Meryl, Jeffrey's friend. I know you have apartment in London's center.
-Yes, I have. Umm...Do you want any photos?
-Hm, I don't care about design or size. I'll buy it certainly! But only because of my interest you can send me some photos.
-Alright. I will send you the price with the photos. Only because of friendship with Jeffrey, I will make you a discount.
-Thank you so much! I'm waiting for your sms.
-It's ok. It will be in 5 minutes. Bye!
Meryl hang up the phone. She stayed near the window in silence without any genres.
"Meryl, who that was?" asked mother, walked toward to her daughter.
"It was my dream..."
"Honey, don't say mystery. What's with your dream?"
"I FOUND THE PERFECT ONE! MY DREAM'LL COME TRUE!!!" screamed Meryl and started to jump. Mother smiled and hugged her daughter.
"I believed in you dear. I'll cook a fruit cake right now!" she said and went to kitchen. Meryl kept smiling.
"Good job!" she thought and her phone vibrated. Phoebe sent ten photos and the price.
Meryl right after watched all photos and kept in good mood. Apartment was not very big, but it was cozy and light. And the price surprised she nicely.
"Great. Let's meet there tomorrow and I'll give you necessary sum." texted Meryl and put the phone away. Nothing could change her mood. Some adrenaline filled up her. Meryl had so much energy and she decided to spend it preparing for move.

Hiiii everyone💖
It's my first story 🦄 Don't criticize it very much💁🏼
I hope you'd like it💗
All my love,
(P.S. Picture is random)

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