A Game Called Life

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Turning off his alarm clock, Elijah slowly got up out his bed. Thinking about last nights events,his head started to hurt just as much as his heart. the only reason he was shipped to live with his big brother in atlanta was because he killed the man who killed his mother:his dad. the judge said that since he was using self defense that elijah would be on probation and must go live with his brother until he turns 18. he walks into the bathroom,barging in, and finds a half dressed Kira. Kira is his brother Tre's girlfriend. " dont yu knock, damn." he turned away shaking his head,not knowing how his brother dealed with her rude ass attitude.

* later on that morning*

Richmond heights is the last place Elijah wanted to be. But if he was going to get his life together, he had no choice. While thinking this he bumped into the sexiest girl he ever saw. He had to figure out a way to get his hands on her sexy curves,which seemed to be beggingbhim to touch in her red jeans,fitted baby tee,and red bottoms. Shawty was fly. "Excuse me wudda been nice!"

" My fault Shawty."

" yo gudd."

" so whats yo name Shawty?"

" It aint shawty. Kierra."

"Aight Kierra. im Elijah."

"Ok." And just like that Kierra walks away. At his old school girls would have been all over him, but somethings different 'bout shawty. He dont know why he wanted to get to know her but he would definitely find a way.

On his way home,Elijah notices a group of guys chilling on the corner.

"Yo?" Elijah turns around,knowing dude is talking to him. He wasn't a fighter but he could get down to handle his business when necessary.

" yea,wssp?"

" I seen you talking to Kierra today..."

" and?" "and that's my girl!"

" we'll see home boy."

" yea sight." Elijah walked away thinking of a way to get Kierra to talk to him tomorrow. He had heard all about Dre,Kierras exbf. He knew that there weren't together but dre obviously still had feelings for her. That wasn't Elijahs problem.

" Wassup Bro."

" Nun." After his run in with Kierra's ex-boyfriend he wasnt really focused on anything that his brother was saying. All he wanted to do was take a shower and think about Kierra's tight jeans. He couldnt understand why he felt so connected to her,especially because he never felt this way about any  other girl and he didnt even know Kierra. He fell asleep with her in his thoughts.

He walked into his first period, biology, and his heart nearly stopped, There she was: Kierra. Mr. Ffreeman had obviously paired them together since everyone else had a partner. 

" The person you are sitting next to will  be your partner for the remainder of the school year." Perfect. Elijah would definitely have a chance to get close to Kierra.

" So i guess we're partners then."

" I guess so."

" What's your name?"

" Elijah."

" Oh, right."

"S o do you have a boyfriend?"

" Damn, in my business much?!"

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