Color Profiles

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Hello! Welcome to my story and this informative chapter.

This is just a description of the different colors held within the souls of characters that will be mentioned throughout the story and although I will say a few words about what the color means in future chapters, I figured I should put it all down in one place for future reference.

This is mainly because I wanted a place to put my thoughts down on the matter.

I will expand upon these Color Profiles later to tell a story about the color and why it holds the qualities that it does, but until then here's this:

RED: the color of fire, intensity, courage, and strength. Those who follow the path of light with a soul of this color will find joy and passion to be some of their greatest attributes to the world. Those who follow the path of darkness will find within themselves that vigor, willpower, and rage are most prominent. Those with this color soul feel deeply; there is little or no grey area with them and find it hard to withdraw from their emotions.

ORANGE: the color of enthusiasm, fascination, and creativity. Those who follow the path of light will go on to create art that moves the masses; whether it be through pen, paintbrush, or words. Those who follow the path of darkness hold deceit and distrust at their very core. They will make thieves and criminals, willingly abiding to the Laws of the Deceiver to create chaos. There is on thing that both sides of the spectrum have: the readiness to do the work that they were sent upon this planet to complete.

YELLOW: the color of happiness, intellect, and charity. Those who find the light within their color will bring their intellect, joy, and fresh perspective to any situation which they find themselves in. They are always bound to stay positive in situations and will burn brightly, hardly ever having the opportunity to dim. Those who follow the darkness will bring caution, decay, and sickness along with them every step they take along the Path of Life. They have very few people who care to stick around them long enough for those that do tend to wind up dead or completely mad.

GREEN: the color of growth, harmony and fertility. Those who find the light will bring peace, healing, and protection upon their shoulders. They often make great advisors and soldiers, for they always fight for the causes they believe in and will always defend those they love. Those who find the darkness, however, find that the take solace in their ambition, greed, and jealousy. They want what others have and will stop at nothing to obtain what they want. They persevere, mostly for the wrong cause.

BLUE: the color of trust, loyalty, faith, and intelligence. Those who hold the light bring health, healing and tranquility. They are destined to be doctors, nurses, and diplomats or lawyers. They will never stop until peace is obtained. Those who chase after the darkness will bring knowledge, power, and integrity. Blue is the most tame of colors, and those with even the darkest of these souls can't do much harm for they hold themselves to the highest standards. They will, however, always tell the truth; no matter if this will damage a situation with fragility.

PURPLE: the color of nobility, luxury, and ambition. Those with the light will bring nostalgia and romance. They are often found within the confines of a museum or selling trinkets that remind you of a random day that brings back fond memories. They hold within them the power to bring back memories that may make you shed a tear in remembrance. Those who follow the darkness will bring gloom and sadness. They know your saddest moments, and they will not hesitate to remind you of all of the days you spent wallowing in pity or grief.

WHITE: the color of light, goodness, and purity. Those with white lights are a combination of all other colors. They hold within them; fire, creativity, happiness, intellect, harmony, loyalty, faith, and ambition. This may sometimes cause them to seem emotionally detached or distant because they suffer most all emotion within and silently. Those with a white light hate to burden others with their troubles, and will therefore forever be known as a Martyr. They have the mind necessary to create something beautiful out of this world, so long as they refuse to succumb to the darker aspects of the colors. They only appear once in an unfathomable amount of time and transcend the existence of Earth.

BLACK: the color of power, death, darkness, and evil. They are void of emotion and, although they are more rare than any other color, they are doomed to annihilate some portion of humanity. They are not human, whether or not they resemble one, and they will not hesitate to strike down those that stand in the way of their ultimate goal: bring the darkness back to the land that wants to be rid of it.

I kinda wanna make a quiz for people to see what color they are, drop a comment to let me know if I should :)))

-Gabrielle Steyer

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