red red

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Shira's POV;
' I'm Shirahiro Kuroo....I've honestly hated life. Judged by everyone...everyday....every minute. It's irritating, it kills me to be ignored and judged about my thoughts, my body language, my sexuality....I want to die...but I.....I have a promise to keep dear to heart. I'm willing to die....for him.'

~skip to class your new btw~

I entered the class hearing rumors, chatter, and......judgment..., I shake my head trying hard to block out the thoughts 'let me die....nobody likes why...why am i here...? I honestly done see the point' I look at my feet rubbing my arm as i walk to my seat...that is...until someone shoved me snarling "Oi watch where your going fag. You don't want us to hurt your 'precious' nOW DO YOU?!" my bully shoved and smirked confident of his action towards me. Everything got worse once his group strutted in, slutty girls...jocks, wrestlers, the typical cliche grouping they beat me up...kicking at me punching snarling insults 'it hurts really bad today...' Then I see headed person wearing a sort of traditional type clothing yet easy to move in his eyes pale blue similar to some turquoise but yet its a baby blue lighter shade then he speaks his voice deep yet just right "Kankuro leave the guy alone"  the red head said looking this Kankuro guy dead in the eye he gulped and nodded quickly "o-ok Gaara..." Kankuro and his group walk away mumbling stuff as I shakily stand on my two feet groaning in pain quietly limping to the bathroom.

Gaara's POV;
'Now why would Kankuro beat up some guy in class.....' I thought as I sat in my seat watching the poor guy limp out of the class then the bell rang and sensei walked in "why in the world is there blood on the floor?!"  I cringed slightly as the teacher yelled "Kankuro-kun was beating up a worthless sh** bag don't worry sensei~" a girl from the back of the class spoke '.....Temari.....' I get up and walk out to get a drink 'why beat up that kid.....I don't think he's even 15 yet...' I thought and sighed mentally '....maybe I should check on him.....he was bleeding after all......' I thought and headed towards the bathroom where he was no where to be seen until.......'...blood...?' I thought as blood flows from the last stall in the bathroom " want help...?"  I ask as a shaky and faint yes is heard "alright....stand back.." I said and kicked open the door to see a figure who'd been crying and bleeding I sigh as I reach for some spare band aids from my bag "'ve seriously got messed up by Kankuro..."

Shira's POV;
"'ve seriously got messed up by Kankuro..." The redhead said while bandaging my arms and after my thigh I sigh and wince when a antibiotic was poured "rrg!-"I closed my eyes and opened one, ''t seen them in.....forever....' I smile softly until I feel a warm hand upon my bleek cold skin as my cheek I gasp softly not looking at him "a-ah G-Gaara-san! T-this is good enough thank you" I grab his hand and hold it with my two as tears roll down my face he gives me a soft look and I nod "I'm sorry" I mumble and he said it's completely ok, we then we wall out of the bathroom me limping due to one of the medical ninjas actually punctured one of my chakra points and it hurts like hel- 'eh!- I'm gonna fall! My legs gave in jUST GREAT' I prepared for the crash on the floor to never did..instead I felt something no...someone holding me "be careful.." Its Gaara hmm....I leaned on him for support but it was a bit awkward since he's taller but once entering the class everyone gasped and ran over getting there fists ready even though the teacher was in class "let go of Gaara now you fag! You spawn of Satan get off him!" Kankuro started to shove me again but Gaara once again stepped in but this time it was direct interception by catching his fist and twisting making him spin and fall flat on his butt "Kankuro stop beating up Kuroo-san will you?-" Gaara says but of course Temari butts in "but Gaara he's a dirty homo person he likes GUYS" I cringe at her wording trying my best to look that I didn't hear anything anything at all shaking my head at the slightest it could be seen as asign of rebelien "guys....does that even matter...." Gaara replys without any emotions not one etched on his pretty face. "Does you liking people affect others? Not really so stop it and shut up already" Gaara says calmly as everyone stared at him shocked then he pulled me to sit next to him 'djsjsbsjja I'm going to exploddeeeee' I thought mentally fanboying.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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