Chapter Three: That Special Morning

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Ten minutes later the oblivious couple lay beside each other, again, sweating and panting for breath. Caleb ran his hand through his hair then threw his head back on the pillow sighing.

"That was good," he said, looking over at a red faced Hanna.

"That was good." Hanna replied. She didn't want to think about the trainwreck that was her love life but reality hit her hard as she realised that Jordan didn't know where she was. He didn't know that she was safe... well safe in the arms of her ex boyfriend.

It was the same with Caleb. Caleb didn't want to spare one thought for Spencer but he had too. Spencer was expecting to wake up beside her loving boyfriend and kiss him good morning but that moment had passed.

It was now 12 o'clock and the ex lovers' stomachs were growling with hunger.

Hanna grinned.

"Is that your stomach?" Hanna replied to the loud groans coming from Caleb's stomach.

"Has to be! Haven't eaten since last night's dinner." Caleb sat up, threw the covers off the bed and pulled out a white towel from the hot press. He must admit that he felt disgusting. The water in the Hastings' house had been on and off since Monday night (two days ago) and he hadn't showered or bathed since! He'd been living on the smell from the new and expensive aftershave he had been using to smell clean. No one knew how dirty he felt in the inside.

He nipped into the bathroom for a shower (if you could even call it a shower) , leaving a very tired Hanna staring into space...

"What were you doing in the Lost Woods anyway?" Caleb asked, once they were fully dressed and on their way home to Rosewood's main street.

"Jordan and I were at a work thing," Hanna shook her head, "No actually he was at a work thing and I was dragged along to it. It was hateful. I knew nobody and Jordan knew it but yet he still ditched me to go see his boss. I wandered off after way too many drinks and found myself at the Lost Woods. You found me and we... kissed..." Hanna explained quietly but confidently. She still wasn't sure how she got to the Lost Woods. The place they went to for the 'work thing' was nowhere near the Lost Woods. Hanna just assumed she had walked/stumbled her way there. "How did you find me?" Hanna looked at Caleb, Caleb took his eyes off the road for one second to look back at her.

"I was driving. It was late and I needed to clear my head. I found you stumbling your way towards the Lost Woods," Caleb explained, his eyes fixed on the road.


"Yeah." Caleb turned to look at her again. "What you don't believe me?"

"No it's not that it's just... what did you need to think about?" Hanna pondered. She had an idea what he could've possibly been thinking about but she didn't want to say in case she was wrong.

"Spencer. That- this- whole situation is just..." he let out a breath and threw one hand in the air trying to conjure up a word to describe it.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I shouldn't have left you that night Caleb. I should've stayed. I could've saved our relationship! I could be marrying you!"

"You could be marrying me?" Caleb asked slash said. Instead of 'I could be marrying Jordan, Caleb questioned Hanna's wording.

Hanna sighed. "I don't think I'm gonna go through with it. I can't marry him."

Caleb decided at this point to stop the car. He pulled over into a side street. They were about half a mile from Rosewood but this was too important to wait. Hanna said that she loved Jordan and that she would do anything for him and yet she doesn't wanna marry him?

Caleb got out of the car and observed where they were. There was an empty, quaint coffee shop called "The Good Ol' Bean" on the left of them and a ramshackled motel on the right. The streets were desolate, not a person in sight. He had picked the right spot...

"What's going on Han?" He asked when Hanna finally stopped looking around her apprehensively and looked him in the eye (for the first time since they left the Lost Woods)

"He's been... stressed out lately..." Hanna trailed off.


"He's been abusive! Alright! He's been fucking abusive and I can't take it anymore! God he is ruining my life and I don't know what to do anymore!"

Sorry to any of my younger readers for that last paragraph! Poor Han! She doesn't deserve an abusive boyfriend! Ugh she needs Caleb or what! Thanx for reading!

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