Chapter Two

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Authors POV

To say there was an upbeat atmosphere in Cheryl's dressing room that night at xfactor would be an understatement whether it was because Liam was present in the audience or whether she was just excited for her boys to perform a mash up of something she herself had a part in was unknown but no one could deny that there was something different with Cheryl this week.

Instead of being her usual focused self she would go off in a trance, her eye glued to her phone and a smile constantly taking place on her face. To outsiders this didnt seem strange, as far as they were concerned she had no reason to be sad but those close to her knew something was up. For months Cheryl had been in a shell of herself not stepping out in a way that may get her noticed as she had so much crap going on that she just wanted to keep it all to herself.

However lately she had been her loud old self where she wouldn't care what people may think of her. She would do what she wanted when and where she wanted. They should've made a scene about it and confronted her but the way they saw it she was happy and back to how she should be so who were they to complain.

That night Cheryl and Liam didn't have much contact other then the stares and smiles they would give eachother for Liam this being nearly the whole two hours he was sitting there as he couldn't quite believe that he was getting so close to such a beauty. A beauty he felt love towards ever since he got to know her properly.  His eyes were sort of connected to her in a way, when he wasn't watching her he wasn't sure where he was meant to look as the only thing worth looking at was her.

By the time Reggie N Bollies performance time had arrived Cheryl's nerves were on edge, the anticipation of what way it could possibly go was making her thoughts go insane. Part of her wanting to do good and part of her wanting to impress Liam on what she could do with his song. It was strange, everyone who had watched the performance already knew how strange it was but somehow it fit the personality that the act was.

. . .

By the end of the night Cheryl was knackered. Her acts had performed perfectly much to her delight but xfactor always did seem to take it out of her. She wasn't able to go home yet however as she had arranged to meet Liam backstage in her dressing room for what she liked to think would be a mature chat, However with the fact she was unable to stop herself from becoming shy and hidden when he sent her a text and they weren't face to face made her wonder whether she would be able to really control her own body and emotions.

It had only been 5 minutes but the wait and anticipation was building a ball in her stomach that made her want to almost throw up. She didn't know what to expect whether he would decide this wasn't for him, whether he wanted to go further with her or whether he just wanted to keep it how it is. To her it was all down to him as she could honestly feel herself falling for him more and more everyday, was it love, she wasn't sure.

On the other side of the xfactor studio Liam was just finishing off a conversation with Simon. His plan to go straight to Cheryls room but was caught by Simon halfway there.

"During the break we could have a chat and see where we can help eachother and if we would be a good team" Simon was always about business and to be honest so was Liam, well he used to be until lately.

"Definitely. Im hoping to work on some solo material so im sure we could both benefit from having a detailed discussion about where the future may lie for us in being business partners"

"Great well i will see you in a couple weeks when you perform in the mean time ring me if anything pops up and definitely think about it Liam you would be a good asset to have in our team"

"i will do, you too Simon bye"

As he walked towards her dressing room he noticed his hands becoming increasingly more sweaty. He was never a man who was very confrontational, he never really had to be as the other three boys in the band were that for him. He was sensitive in the way he cared about everyone, whether they had done him wrong or not he was always there for them. Helping them along.

As the knock came on the door nerves were built up both sides, both of them not really knowing what to expect as they were never this forward before. Their past suddenly coming in the front of their mind and as the door opened they could both see on each others eyes that they felt the same, scared of the unexpected.

"Hi" He wanted to sound confident but his voice came out almost like a whisper leading to him internally slapping himself at how much of a fail he had been at being able to do one thing. He wanted to give her confidence, make her feel like at least one of them was sure in which way they wanted it to go but instead he felt like he had shown her his vulnerable side, something he didn't really want to show her.

"Hi, come in"

"Its big in here isn't it, i remember when they were only little" He chuckles nervously,

"They have gotten bigger haha, alot from that year actually. I remember when i first started i had a tiny dressing room with a little shower in the corner. It was perfect for me though at the time"

"I never saw yours, only Simons and his was small so god only knows what yours was like haha"

"It was tiny but im only tiny so i dont need much room. It was just a squeeze for everyone to get in"

"I could imagine"

For a minute or two there was a silence. Not an uncomfortable one, just a nice relaxing silence.

"I thought maybe we could have a date one time. I feel like i want to talk but this doesn't seem the right place" 

"That would be lovely, i know its a strange place i just wanted us to understand and see if we were both on the same page" His eyes gleamed at her as soon as she said it would be lovely. The fact she had agreed with him made him feel ten times more confident in himself.

"Im sure we are. I have feelings towards you Cheryl and i know you do me. I feel such a strong connection with you when we speak. I want to get to know you, not rush. Even if we keep our relationship as friends until we are able to clearly know this is what we want"

"Definitely. I feel that connection too Liam. You make me feel safe and like i haven't felt in years. A date sounds amazing" He stands up and her heart drops immediately, she knew this would be a quick visit but part of her never wanted him to leave. He made the atmosphere safe. She felt like nothing could hurt her when he was around, even though they weren't officially seeking any type of relationship, the connection was so strong it just felt right to be in the company of him.

"I'll text you later and we can arrange our date then haha" He winks before leaving the door. Both of them feeling a rush of butterflies releasing from their stomach at the thought of seeing eachother soon for something that could start of a whole load of special events and they couldn't wait.

Thank you for all your support on my first chapter i didn't quite expect it. Please comment, like and share and let me know if you have any directions you want this story to go. Im definitely open to including other peoples ideas in the story!

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