Chapter 1

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have super powers? Well trust me on this it is not nearly as glorious as it sounds in the movies.

Up until last month I was a normal teenager, with normal teenage problems, and normal teenage feelings. So of course I liked the star football play, of course I wanted to be popular but is a nobody, of course I wanted to be smart with no one knowing. Well I was a naive fifteen year old before the accident that changed it all.

High School is anything but easy, try living through high school as the class geek that everyone never knew. Then suddenly everybody knows you because of a stupid accident, only they will never know the whole truth, or at least not yet...

Oh, by the way, my name is Adrian, Adrian Litteer Hill to be exact. (And it's pronounced Lit-tear not litter).

So let's start this story from the begin. Before my accident. Before everything changed....
Mom called up "Adrian.. ADRIAN. Come downstair for breakfast sweetie."
"Ughhhh. Again remind me why I'm awake right now." I complained
"Adrian come on you're gonna be late for school" mom stated.
"But Mom." I complained in the whiniest voice I could muster in my sleep induced haze.
"Adrian Litteer get you lazy butt out of bed. I made your favorite, pancakes with peanut butter and syrup."
"Grrrrr... fine. I'm coming, I'm coming."

So being an only child has its props, mom makes your favorite breakfast more often than not, dad well I don't exactly know where my dad is. My mom is always saying that we are better off, and I honestly don't care about him at this point. He left when I was two so I never remembered him, but there's always that shadow of curiosity about wondering who he once was.

"I'm coming. Geez" I sigh.

I go to a school in the middle of nowhere. The nearest airport is about 10 minutes away, so my school is medium size. There is exactly 85 people including me in my graduating class, yeah it's THAT small. We can fit UPK- 12th grade in two schools.. So that's what we do.

"Hi mom"~ I say with a casual wave.
"Hi sweetie, do you want sausage with your pancakes?"
"Do I ever say no to food?" I said jokingly, yet serious.
"Hehe ok then so that's a yes?"
"Heck ya it is a yes"

I eat breakfast quickly to catch the bucket of metal torture, also know as, the school bus. Since I play in the school band, I have my clunky violin case in the bus with me and, like always, I some how end up tripping... Right into Gabe, our star football player.

"Sorry" I mutter embarrassed.
"It's all good, just be careful" he laughs as of nothing has happened while I'm literally dying of embarrassment.
"Sit down Hill" the bus driver yells back.
"Before you sit, tell me, what's the rest of your name" Gabe says.
"I'm Adrian, Adrian Hill" I say quietly.
"Well nice to meet ya Adrian, I'm Gabe, Gabe Rush" he says as if nobody knows him.
"SIT DOWN" the bus driver points to his wrist signaling he's on a rig schedule.
"Well I guess I got to go sit, see ya around"

The rest of the bus ride was, as normal, boring. I keep replaying the conversation with Gabe in my head, he talked to me not even the 'drama nerds' talk to me. Only my few friends, Rachel; Maddie; and Jack, talk to me Rachel is gonna FLIP when I tell her Gabe talked to ME, she has a HUGE crush on him, but half of the girls in high school like has crushes on him.
As soon as I see Rachel I run over to her and I tackle hug her, she's been absent the past couple days due to strep throat.

"Rachel, Rachel, Rachel!" I say as I run over to her.
"What Adrian?!?" She asks half excited half anticipating.
"You're gonna be SOOOO jealous!" I say teasingly
"Fine, just keep your voice down, half the school is watching you."

I told her about my run in with Gabe and by the time I was done she was squealing so loud I'm surprised I didn't go deaf.

"OMG ADRIAN!  YOU TALKED TO GABE! You? Talk to the star running back  of the football? You must be the LUCKIEST GIRL EVER!" Rachel said half squealing half screaming.
"Calm down, take a breath,  it was just a run in... Literally" I say smoothly
"But it's Gabe. Gabe Rush."
"Hmmph. You have no respect for that man."
"You're right I don't"

What she doesn't realize is that I've been crushing on him since the fifth grade. No regrets there.

"Adrian, you have to admit that's he's a least visually appealing,  who makes you're heart pitter patter?" She said suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
"Anywhere but here" I said pointing to a small crowd watching us after Rachel's screaming fest.
"Ugh... Fine. Tonight. My house. Be there"
"Deal" I say rolling my eyes.

Me, Rachel and Maddie always have sleepovers on the third Friday of every month, it's a tradition. We've been best friends since the fifth grade, ever since we've been inseparable.  That's five years.  A long long time for a fifteen year old.

We may be in 10th grade  but we seem to have our futures planned... Well everyone but me. Rachel is going into the science field for bio-tech, Maddie is going to sing... It's a tough business but if you've heard her voice you would understand why, and Jack is going to become a missionary so he can travel the world.

Then there's me... I don't have anything going for me. I'm average height, averaging weight, average all around. But I'm horrible at anything involving sports... I may have an average build but that does not make me athletic. Trust me. I play one sport. Netflix.

The school we go to is small and smelly... Doesn't help I have the worst class today. Gym. Wait let me elaborate gym with Gabe and all the football team... During the hockey unit. Sweaty old gloves and goggles and all that jazz.

"Hi Adrian"
"Hmm what?" I asked not knowing who said my name
"I said, hi Adrian... Remember me? The guy you ran into on the bus this morning?"
"Oh hi Gabe! I'm sorry I didn't hear you the first time. And yeah I remember you" I say a little too enthusiastically, trying to cover my tracks.
"Ok then.. Haha" Gabe says awkwardly trying to break the silence.

"All right class. Who's ready for some HOCKEY?! "  says Mrs. Fries our gym teacher
"Ohh yaaaaa" says I'm pretty sure every athlete in the gym
"Ohh nooooo" I say to myself while I grab my hockey stick

"How was school sweetie?" Mom asked
"Same old same old... I got to go get ready for the sleep over can I have the keys?"
"Oh ya sure. They're on the kitchen table."
"Ok thanks mom!"

I got in the car like I always do when going to a sleep over. This month it's at Rachel's house, which is the farthest away but the drive is beautiful, she lives about 45 minutes away from my house. When I get on the main road I see a man in the car behind me. He looks vaguely familiar but I couldn't place the name to his face. He started speeding up and he's right on my tail and then as he is about to hit me I know who it is.... My father. I swerve to avoid a major crash but he still hits the end of my car while I'm turning then everything went black....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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