something I am just posting so meg can see it

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I took one last look in the mirror before leaving to see Jordan. My hair was annoying, as always. The color was brown, just like almost everyone in town. The only difference was mine was thick and wild. It had a mind of its own, and despite my efforts, I could never get it to obey. I clicked my tongue in frustration as I attempted to smooth it down to no avail. Oh well. A pair of green eyes stared at me through the glass. I hated my eyes. The color was pretty, but it made me stand out. I hated having attention brought upon me, and I got enough of it from being the daughter of the Mayor. I don’t even know where I got my green eyes, seeing as both my parents had the standard brown. 

            I wrinkle my freckled nose trying to will away the negative thoughts. Normal people aren’t supposed to have those.

            My mother’s shrill voice calling me downstairs pulls me away from the mirror, and I go down to stand next to her. I notice she wore her deep purple dress to match my own. At least they aren’t the same cut. That would be mortifying.

            Today would not be a good day to be mortified. Today I was meeting my assignment for the first time. Actually, I knew him slightly from school, but typically I shied away from talking to people at school. I liked to focus on my studies. Okay, that wasn’t true. I never really fit in, so I just pretended my studies mattered that much.

            My mother attempted to smooth my hair for me, but of course, it wouldn’t work.

            “There’s no need to be nervous,” she told me.

            “Oh, of course not. It’s only the person I’ll be spending the rest of my life with,” I replied, a sarcastic tone sitting on my voice. My mother sighs and drops her hand from my head. I thought she would scold me, but I guess she understand where my tone is coming from since she doesn’t respond.

            Then we hear the knock. I jumped up immediately at the sound. It would be Jordan Dare. My assignment, my future husband. I already knew he was a tall, large boy, probably around 6 feet tall, with large shoulders. He was almost a foot taller than me, and could easily lift me, if he tried. I was petite anyways. His hair was the same brown as mine, but he had the typical brown eyes of our little town of Percy. At school, he was the loud popular boy. I knew the only reason we were assigned together was because of our parents positions, but maybe they had taken my interviews and forms into consideration. Maybe there was more to him.

            My mother answered the door, and I tried to keep calm. Jordan waved bashfully at me, as I did the same. I was glad to see that I wasn’t the only nervous one. Our mothers and fathers did most of the talking as we silently looked on as we made our way to the dining hall.

            Dinner was awkward, as the conversation consisted of mostly our parents trying to get us to speak, but we were both too shy. I was sort of confused because Jordan never seemed shy at school. Then again, this situation was different.

            Later, as I ready myself for bed, I realize I know nothing of the boy is meant to be my husband in 2 years.

            I think back to the Assignment Period. It was a stressful time. It starts at the beginning of Year 10, the year all students turn 16. First, you fill out some questionnaires about who you are as a person and what sort of person you might like to marry. Mine didn’t matter much, as it was clear I would be marrying someone from a high positioned family like my own. Next, you start interviewing with the Assignment Board. They say they want to get to know you to tell who you would be best with. Everything about your life is considered: Are you into sports? Are your grades good? What is your family’s status?

            Finally, after the Year 10 graduation ceremony, you get your match. In the following weeks, you and your match begin to have dinner. For the next two years, up until you graduate form school completely, you get to know each other. It is a time to file requests for change just in case your assignment doesn’t work. People rarely do. After that, you get married. The male in the assignments birthday marks the marriage date, sometimes being their 18th and some their 19th; it just depends on what time of year you were born.

            I take out my information sheet on Jordan. It tells me a bit about him. He was born July 10th, so we would be marrying almost immediately after our graduation. His interests don’t seem to parallel with mine, only confirming the fact I was planned to marry him long before my assignment procedures began. It didn’t matter, he seemed very nice, and he would provide well as a husband. My own parents lacked many similar interests, and they seemed happy.

            Happy is a relative word, I realize. Am I happy? I suppose I am. I have a nice house, and there is plenty of food, which is more than I can say for most of citizens of Percy. I just don’t feel happy. Maybe I will be happy with Jordan. With Jordan, I shouldn’t be worthless anymore. I’ll finally be something. A wife, a mother. Right now, I am just a simple waste of space. My father has even told me so.

            Yes, life with Jordan should be much happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2012 ⏰

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