Hey, I am Sadie. I just write randomly, but I am not very good. Still, I would love for you to check it out!
I am 16 and completely obsessed with The Hunger Games and food.
  • USA
  • Дата регистрацииJanuary 28, 2012

Последнее сообщение
bonjourmllealice bonjourmllealice Feb 26, 2012 10:32PM
@lemily445577 Its on fanfiction.net, called 'Carrying On' by hereistheplaceiloveyou
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Истории от Sadie
Post Mockingjay от bonjourmllealice
Post Mockingjay
After Mocking Jay! Starts when Katniss is about to learn she is preggers.
Shattered от bonjourmllealice
I am not sure how to explain this yet. Read?