Nineteen| His Twisted Thoughts

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Chapter Nineteen


Moriarty had been up in his study hall for hours, said he was still planning. To be honest, you where terrified of what kind of plans he was making. You just hoped that it wouldn't put anyone's lives on the line, but with that man it probably did. 

You wanted to ask him but you just had a gut feeling that that wouldn't be so mindful to do. It bothered you day after day because you knew that he was close to finally revealing his ideas. 

You on the other hand where spending your time watching Netflix, taking strolls with Seb when he was free, or just playing on your phone. Yesterday, you had gotten a text from Ashley. Of course she was just worried sick on were you had been, but you didn't tell her and you didn't even respond. It was a long story and you had to remember that if you told a living soul about Jim, he would end your life in a heartbeat.

You had miss calls from your Mom, your work, and other friends who hadn't heard from you. The most surprising was when you went out with Seb the day before, there where posters of your face on it with a missing label. Sebastian at that point took you back immediately because he didn't want to deal with people calling in reports of you with some man and defiantly neither did Jim. He wouldn't want Sherlock figuring out were you we're.

So basically since Jim and Sherlock's last talk it had been stressful for the three of you. Knowing that you couldn't go out was painful, but now acknowledging that Moriarty's plan where almost done was even more painful. 

You needed to talk to him. You needed to know what he was doing and if they would inflict pain on others. You just had to know.

You quietly stepped out from you room and looked for the study hall. You knew were it was but with this house it would take long either way. The hallways were quiet and still as the only sound was the thud of your feet against the floor. The silence almost made you feel uneasy because normally maids would be doing there rounds, but no one was there.

You felt relieved when you saw Sebastian turn the corner. A smile instantly went across his face as he put his hands on his hips "Good afternoon my queen. What are you doing out?" the nickname he had given you was amusing to you-considering the fact that Moriarty told him to  address you that way or just use your first name, but in a proper manner. 

You chuckled "Good afternoon to you too, Tiger. I was just heading to see Moriarty. Is he busy right now?" you asked while looking up into his cold green eyes. Sebastian nodded "I just got back from his office. He actually told me to retrieve you but speak of the devil, your right here. No, he is not busy but he would like a word with you and don't worry, your not in trouble." He snickered while you just dipped your head.

He ruffled your hair while walking by you and giving a wave "See you later~~" he purred as he walked around a corner. You just shook your head while laughing then began back towards his office.

You eventually reached the two wooden doors to the study hall. A pit in your stomach ached as you felt anxiety rush in your veins. Taking in a breath, you opened up the doors to see Moriarty sitting in his chair while playing with a small pocket knife. He seemed lost in his thoughts because he never noticed your presence.

The small knife pecked his skin lightly but you did notice a few blood drops stained on the blade. You sneaked up behind him and reached for the knife, getting a hold of the small blade. Moriarty just smirked "Greetings to you too my love~" He said as he pulled you over towards him. 

He placed you in his lap as you where now staring back into those dark eyes. He slowly took the pocket knife away from your fingers in a gently manner, still keeping his eyes on you. He licked his lips while drawing his finger down your cheek "So, I have something to inform you about but if you keep distracting me with your cuteness then I will punish you." a mischievous smile went along his lips as he looked you up and down.

You bit your lip with gleaming eyes "I'll try not to." you winked while he just chuckled. He pulled you off of him and placed you in the chair in front. 

He crossed his legs with a serious look replacing his expression. He leaned in slowly with his eyes burning into yours "Now, I brought you here for a reason. It's been four days since I started my plan and I've finally made up my mind." He paused as if he was thinking on what to say then looked back towards you.

"There will be a series of fi-four bombs. They will be strapped to people in different places while I talk to them in a earpiece and they repeat what I say. These cases will be towards Sherlock on which we will be working on cases that where closed or just forgotten and not figured out. He will be given a few hours to solve it and if the timer goes out or the victim gives any detail about me, they will be shot right there an then. I am hoping these individuals are well-minded and don't spill because I don't enjoy getting my hands dirty, but if it comes down to that then I might have to. But-" he stopped again and leaned in closer to you.

Your eyes were wide and mouth gapped open as you listened to the words coming out of his mouth. You knew exactly what it would be involving but it still surprised you.

"I need a favor from you love and I shall be your personal trainer in this matter." he said in a soft voice. You gulped and nodded while curling your fingers in a nervous manner.

"If things go wrong... I need you to shoot John Watson."

Why hello there! I apologize for the somewhat wait. Life has been crazy and school work has just been piling up.

Sorry if the end sounded sorta rushed. I knew that I needed to get this out so I did it last minute before I started a school project.

I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter though! Have a wonderful day/night!<3


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