Arriving In Gilesville

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July 1, 2009

"Mommy wake up!" Samantha tugged on Buffy's blankets.

"Mommy were gonna be late!" Jade tugged on Buffy's arm.

"Girls, what are you doing up at four am?" Buffy sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes.

"You said we have to be up by five o'clock so we don't miss our plane at seven." Buffy opened her eyes and checked her watch. It was 4:59 on the dot.

"Jade, Sammy who got you up?" Buffy asked the girls. They were still in their pjs but clearly have been up for about an hour.

"Auntie Jazzy." Jade confirmed smiling brightly. Jade had raven hair and the brownest eyes. Her smile brightens her face like a candle. Buffy is so stunned by her pure beauty. Samantha has always had lighter hair. Her hair is the color of snow. Pure white. Her dark green eyes complement her hair completely. Jasmine, or Auntie Jazzy is a new friend to Buffy. They met the year the girls were born.

October 25, 2006

Buffy paced back in fourth. If she didn't get this job, her life would be ruined. Xander,Willow and Kennedy will be kicked to the curb. Along with Dawn and Buffy. Its hard for Kennedy and Willow to find jobs because of them being lesbians. Some places of work won't even allow them to come to the office. Xander, with one eye lost his job with construction. And Dawn has a record.

"Hello I'm Jasmine"

Buffy reached her hand out shook Jasmines'. Jasmine had a bone thrilling grip. Buffy backed up.

"Hi I'm Buffy Summers I'm here to get" Buffy started but Jasmine took over.

"The new designing job." Jasmine ended her sentence.

"Correct." Buffy told her. Buffy was getting anxious standing in place.

"Alright I'm here to show you, Look OUT!" Jasmine screamed pointing towards the doors of the office. Buffy turned around. A huge band of vampires were there. It was mid day but it has been rainy all day. The clouds covered up the sun. Buffy looked back at Jasmine. She was gone. Buffy took out a stake from her purse and started to slay. There was about 15. She dusted one, kicked another one into a desk and staked him. People ran in horror. Buffy killed the other vamps and started to look for Jasmine. She looked high and low. Finally she reached the roof of the building. She climbed up the lader and out the hatch. Jasmine was about to jump off of the roof.

"Jasmine no!" Buffy ran to her. Jasmine's green eyes flickered. The rain had stopped, and her red hair was shining in the sunlight.

"Let me go Buffy I promise I'll be safe." Jasmine yanked out of Buffy's stone hold and reached the ledge. She put one foot off the roof and then fell. Buffy looked over the side of the ledge. She didn't see Jasmine at all. Had she just committed suicide? All of a sudden and red gold bird flew up from the side of the ledge. It circled around Buffy twice and sat on the ledge. Buffy wiped her eyes. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Buffy pulled her phone out. She pressed L on her phone and it speed dialed Giles. She put him on speaker and put the phone on the ledge.

"You, your a, Phoenix. A living breathing Phoenix!"

 A living breathing Phoenix!"

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July 1, 2009

Buffy got out of bed. She picked up Samantha and threw her over her shoulder and did the same to Jade. The twins loved it when she did this. Buffy ran across the hall, she pushed the door open with her foot. She laid Samantha and Jade on the bed and saw that their suit cases were already packed. She went to the left side of the closet and picked out a cute purple sweater. She went to the right side of the closet and pulled out the same sweater in light blue. She went to the drsser and pulled out two pairs of jeans. She tossed them to the girls. "Willow!" Buffy called Will. Willow helped the girls get dressed in the morning while Buffy cooked or more so packed food.

"Is it cold there?" Jade asked putting her shirt over her head.

"Yea." Willow answered her.

"How cold?" Samantha asked putting her shirt on.

"So cold Superman could live there!" Willow responded to Samantha.

"Wow!" Samantha got up off the bed and 'flew' around the room acting like she was Superman.

"Sammy your not Superman." Jade looked at her with disgust.

"She just means that your not Superman. You two are still Superheroes though. Your the Wonder Twins!" Willow told the sad Samantha. As soon as she heard it she returned to playing hero.

Samantha was always the tomboy. Jade was more of the girly girl.

"Alright girlies time to get ready to go." Xander stood in the door frame. Samantha zoomed over to him and held his leg.

"Are you gonna come too Auntie Will and Uncle Alex?" Jade asked hopping off the bed and hanging on Willow's leg.

"Yes sweetie we'll be there a little later then you guys but we'll be there." Willow answered her.Wilow was wearing a long blue skirt and when Jade attached herself to Willow's ankle. Her skirt lifted up a bit.

"Who's Tara?" Jade asked as she read the name on Willow's ankle.

"Tara was Auntie Will's Girlfriend but she passed away." Buffy answered Jades' question.

Buffy called for the girls to come and they immediately unhinged theme selves from there favorite people in the whole world.

Buffy knocked on the door. About two minutes later a man opened the door.

"GILES!" Buffy screamed as he opened the door.

Giles hugged Buffy and looked at the two little girls behind her.

"Aw, these must be Samantha and Jade, you've grown so much since I've seen you," Giles picked up Jade and Samantha and sat them down on a leather sofa.

"Would you like some tea Buffy?" Giles asked politely.

"Actually I'd love some, also, can I borrow a book?" Buffy asked walking over to the tall shelves of Books.

"You came all the way from Las Angeles to borrow a book and have some tea?" Giles asked quite bitterly.

"No, no I also wanted some fish and chips too." Buffy laughed sarcastically. She scanned the titles of each book carefully. There were all sorts of weird ones like 'Demons and How to avoid them' or 'How not to look delicious towards a vampire.' Finally she found what she was looking for 'The power behind twins.' She pulled the book out and flipped through the pages. She fluttered the pages a few at a time when she found the right page she sat down next to Jade.

"What cha' reading mommy?" Jade asked looking at the book. Jade knows how to read and so does Samantha, but the words on the page seemed to be in a different language.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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