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"You can't do this to me! We can't be
moving Grandma is fine!" I screeched, pulling my body closer to my dad leg as I continued grabbing on his black slacks tightly.

I heard him groan in frustration as he grabbed onto my shoulders trying to push me away so I can unloosen my abnormal grip but I wasn't having it, if anything I held on tighter.

"Jayda I'm running late for my case with my client today, and if you don't let go right now you and your sister are going to be late for school so fucking let go!" He screamed causing me jump and loosen my grip on his now wrinkled slacks.

Without another word he effortlessly pulled me up from the ground as I silently looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't do this to me dad, please tell me all of this is a joke, tell me that grandma is fine and we don't have to move." I pleaded with visible tears in my eyes.

He sighed shaking his head "we will talk about this later-" he put his hand on his forehead, as if he was already irritated.  "-let's go your sister is waiting in the car." with the small shake of his head i watch him silently walk towards the front door while I followed close behind.

The car ride to school was awfully quiet, even my big mouth sister couldn't think of something smart to say so we could argue for no reason, instead I was greeted by her glaring at me.

Once I noticed the familiar campus and the car went in a complete stop, without a word to my dad I slammed the car door purposely knowing my sister almost lost her finger at the process. But I mainly did it to piss my dad off, since he just got his car out from the Mercedes dealership because the back door was jammed.

"Bye dad, love you!" Rose shouted causing me to role my eyes.

I continued walking down the familiar hallways saying a small "hi" to a few people I know,  I quickened my foot steps knowing Rose was still following me, so without knowing what else to do I turned inside the gymnasium passing the locker room.

I opened the back door, and continued towards the cafeteria where I normally meet my friends.

"Jayda!" Rose hissed grabbing my upper arm causing me to jump.

Even her annoying voice makes my skin crawl.

I quickly turned around not wanting her to touch me longer than necessary, but we were obviously thinking the same as she gave me another hard glare shoving me off of her.

"Don't ruin this shit for me Jayda. We are finally moving away from this fucking shit hole, and that means it's my time for my happiness, I didn't fuck with you here so I don't want you messing up anything for me once we move got it?" Not knowing what to say I just stared at my crazy sister.

If anything Rose made my life a living hell with her large group of friends with the constant bullying, just because I am different, and my boyfriend is not the same complexion as me.

Rose thinks I should date someone of my skin complexion, but I don't go by looks or someone based off a skin color as long as that person treats me right I will love them regardless.

But of course my sister thinks otherwise, She thinks that I'm "too good" for people of my color which is complete bullshit.

Most of the guys I dated in the past treated me like complete shit, and the guy  I finally found that did not judge me, and accept me for who I am is Caucasian.

But after I move it's all going to vanish anyway.

Even though my sister thinks otherwise, you can obviously tell we are complete opposites.

Rose loves talking in front of large group of crowds, while I rather sit down in my empty room studying or reading a book. Rose loves boys that do not conform to approved authority or anything that involves violent crime.

I love guy's who are very well mannered, respectful, and a book worm like myself. I don't want to be with someone who wants to accomplish receiving a criminal record for the fun of it; hell I wouldn't even want to be in the same building as the person, but I don't have to worry about that I have an amazing loyal boyfriend by my side but my sister is a whole different story.

As I approached where my friends and I meets up they all smiled but stopped when they saw my expression.

"What's wrong J?" My boyfriend Charles asked in a hushed voice.

I felt his arms wrap around my body, while I faced my two best friends who both looked concerned

Taking a shaky breath I faced Charles looking up at his hazel eyes as I ran my hand up his tan skin. "This is the last time I will see him" I thought to myself rubbing my hands over his knuckles moments of silence went by as I dragged Charles over one of the lunch tables while my friends Mandy and Cynthia followed close behind.

"I'm moving..." I said not looking my friends in the eye, Instead I stared at the freshly mopped tile instead.

When I finished explaining that my Grandmother is sick and my family and I are going to move out of state, I felt the tension surround us.

Looking up I saw the look of pity and sadness.

Leaning on my boyfriend shoulder I silently cried while my friends hugged me mumbling 'everything will be fine, it's only temporary, your grandma will be ok' And that's how my long day went pitiful.

"Alright lets go the ride will be long, make sure to use the restroom now because we are not making stops anytime soon." My mom said grabbing her purse.

My sister raised her arched eyebrow giving me a once over while I stood awkwardly in the living room everyone was dressed casually, while I was over dressed.

Instead of wearing some sweats, tank top, old Nike slippers, and a lopsided bun on the top of my head like my sister. I decided to put on a cute crop top, ripped jeans, low heels, and my hair curled.

I couldn't help myself really.

"You do know that we are going to be inside a moving vehicle for a few hours," I looked around the room not paying attention as my sister continued to talk.  "We are not going to some strip club, or a runway show." My sister finished as she placed her hand her hip.

"Well maybe some people wanted to look good just for the hell of it, unlike someone I know who needs lessons on how to dress." I hissed walking out the door.

Once the moving truck was loaded, and some of the furniture was placed in the storage we went on the freeway heading to our destination.

Looking out the window I sighed watching my wonderful memories fade away. I have a feeling that even though I promised my close friends I will keep in touch with all of them, but who am I kidding I can already feel friendships that I once had disappear right in front of me.

Hopefully, wherever I'm going it will be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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