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"Beep Beep" my alarm clock blared as I tried to get. I was not a morning person if you ask me. I pull myself out of bed as I walk into the bathroom. I look at myself frowning in the mirror as I pull my hair into a bun and brush my teeth and wash my face. After I finish I quickly put my hair down leaving it in its natural curls as I walk into my room putting my jeans shirt and flannel on. I quickly rush down stairs to see Scott and Stiles in the kitchen.

"Annora we have something to tell you but promise not to freak out" Scott says. I grunt.
"It depends" I reply casually as I get Nutella and bread out.

Honestly I'm mad at them they left for Mexico without me, even if they were going for the sour wolf I wanted to go I was apart of the pack. I was gonna be a freshman in high school, I was frowning up and they don't see that.

"Look we don't have time we have to go are you coming or not" Stiles says as I eat the bread with Nutella. I was trying to enjoy my day but might as well go with them. I roll my eyes as I walk out the door.

" You guys better fill me in in all the details while we're in the car, and btw I'm driving" I said with a smirk. I know I'm 15 but Scott throughly in case anything happened. I am a were wolf right. They got in while I started to pull out, they directed me in the sheriffs station.

"We'll tell you want happened at the station" Stiles said nervously. I speed up as they both jumped out running into the station. I walked in after them as I sat on the bench. I look over and see a cute boy. I sniffed the air as I smelt his scent. He's a wolf and I know it. I see Stiles and Scott explaining something to the sheriff. I walk in and listened on.

" Okay we went to Mexico to find Derek has been aged down" said Stiles. "Mexico" yelled the Sherif. He look down shaking his head. " It was a camping trip to Mexico" I yelled laughing.

" Yeah well we don't know how to turn him back we will figure it out we're taking him okay" Stiles said running up to him. I smirked as I saw the sheriff shaking his head.

Me Stiles and Scott walked over Derek. " You know Derek you're pretty cute when you were young" I said as he smirked. I look to see Scott glaring at me. " What I was being nice" I said.

" Look we're here to help you Derek" said scott.
" I just want my family, tell me where they are" replied young Derek. I feel bad look at him. " "You're family was in a fire" said Scott. "There fine they got moved to a new hospital we"ll help you get to them. I widened my eyes as Scott said this. This will not turn out well, I knew it.

We all got in the jeep as Scott dropped off me, Stiles and Derek. "I'll be right back" he said as he rode of in his motorcycle.

We all walked in to the house as we see Dad standing in the kitchen. " Annora, Stiles who's you're friend. " This is Miguel" I quickly blurted out. " He'sssss Stiles cousin from Mexico" I said putting my arm over his shoulder. " Okay you guys hungry " said Dad. "Yes" me and Derek say as Stiles says no. I glare at him. "Egg rolls" says Dad as he holds them up.

We are all sitting on the table as we eat. Stiles keeps glaring at me while I just pretend to look somewhere else. "Why are you here Miguel" my dad asks him. " he's here to see Annora his girlfriend" says Stiles with a smirk. I see Derek staring at me with a smirk. HELL NOO! I will never like sour wolf no matter how cute he looks. I give Stiles a look as he just smirks at me. "What's you're last name" dad asks. "Conestigue" I say blurting something random out. "Hmm how do you spell that" Dad asks. "Theoretically" Stiles says.

We quickly rush upstairs as I go into my room. I'm so done with today and I have school tomorrow I need sleep. I quickly shut the door as I hear Derek and Stiles go into Scott's room.

I was reading a book while I see Scott and Stiles. " Derek's been taken to school by Kate we need to get him back well be back don't wait up" Scott says as he rushes out.

"I want to hel.." I say but don't get to finish as they rush out the door. Angry I fall asleep.

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