Sitting in the snow- after Summer's death

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Qrow-centric fic right after Summer's death, inspired by the comments on this post.
He came back just in time.
That's how he had to think of it.
Just in the nick of time, as the Grimm charged and tiny silver eyes blinked open behind her sister frozen stiff with fear, he cut through the Grimm so fast it was over before Ruby was even awake enough to cry.
He was there to catch Yang when her scratched and scraped up legs gave way. To gather both girls close under his arms, pull his cape around them, hide the bloodless carnage from view as he hugged them tight kissed their hair and whispered low his voice hoarse from almost losing them- It's okay, I've got you. Let's get you two home...
He was there to keep Tai from losing the last of his small family. He was there for his niece and his daughter.
But he hadn't been there when Summer went on that last hunt. Alone.
He'd been off searching, like always, which neither she or Tai had ever pick him over for even though it meant Ruby spent more time with Yang then she did with her own father, was more used to calling him 'Qwow' than dad.
If he'd spent more time with her instead of off hunting whispers, if he'd been here he wouldn't have let Summer go off on her own.
If he'd been a proper father, a real uncle, then maybe Ruby and Yang would still have a mom.
He hadn't been though. Never had, really, it just hadn't mattered while Summer was here.
Now she was gone and Tai was falling into the cracks of his own memories, worry in his eyes breaking into panic when he saw Qrow carry their girls from the woods, Yang boneless and Ruby clinging to her and Qrow  with a white knuckled grip.
In a way Tai hadn't been there either until right then.
Gone, years in the past, to the first time the world came crashing down. Down like the picture frame Qrow would pick up later, sweep up the bits of glass before someone stepped on them, an old picture he was pretty sure had given Yang the idea to go into the woods in the first place.
A picture of the days when the four of them were still together-
No, there were four them right here, right now. Two of them curled on the couch in Tai's lap, one covered in fresh band aids, the other crying quietly for her mother while clutching Tai's shirt, where's Mom when is Mom coming home, Dad-
Tai looked up with tears sliding from his eyes, face all of pain and surprise and somehow still having room for guilt in the mess as well.
It made sense to Qrow though. He never been much of a parent to his kid, after all.
And maybe it would be better in the long run. His ways wouldn't change, not much, not even now and he knew it.
He hadn't been able to find Raven, but Summer had stepped in and given Yang a mother anyway.
Maybe he could at least give Ruby a father who was actually around.
Smile shaky, Qrow crouched down in front of the little family.
"Hey girls." He didn't know how to sound happy again, not yet, but he put everything he had into trying.
"How would you like it if your old Uncle Qrow bunked here for a while? Think you could spare a patch of floor somewhere for me?"
He pretended not to notice the little jolt that ran through Tai at his words.
Yang frowned a little at the 'uncle' but raised no fuss. Ruby looked at him with bright teary eyes and they hit Qrow so hard, Summer's little ghost, he almost flinched when she reached out one small hand and tangled it in his cape.
"Unchle Qwow." She choked out. "Where's Mom..?"
What could he say, so many things.
He didn't know. He was scared he did know. He was terrified to someday find out, would never stop falling until he did.
Qrow folded that tiny little hand- his niece starting now, his youngest niece- in his own and glanced up at Tai for help, he wasn't a parent he didn't know what you were supposed to say.
Tired lavender eyes fell shut as Tai sighed, any fight he might have had going out of him. Alright, Qrow could practically hear him think it, alight if this is what you choose, what you need, then we can do it this way.
"Ruby." Silver eyes turned to look up at her father and Qrow felt sick at how relieved he was not to have to meet them anymore.
"Ruby, being a hunter is, it's dangerous work." Tai stumbled. "Sometimes when you protect people you... have to give up the things that you love. Summer-"
His voice cracked. He cleared it, pulled his daughters in closer.
"Summer, might not come back."
Ruby stared at him, confusion clouding her damp eyes.
She started to ask something or maybe just repeat the same question she'd probably been asking for nearly a week, but then Yang began to shake, to sob, and Ruby spilled across Tai's lap and into her sister's fierce hug.
Qrow watched the three of them collapse into each other. He wondered, not for the first time, if Raven had left so soon to spare her daughter from the pain of losing someone she loved. He wondered if Raven knew that Summer was gone too, if she had heard about what Summer had become to Yang, if she would finally come back or at least send them a message-
Stop, slipping away again, he felt it.
He stood quietly and went out to double check the gate separating the backyard from the forest beyond.
Just in time, he had to remember. He'd made it just in time to save them and save Ruby from missing out on the father he could never set the past aside long enough to be.
Not too late, just in time.
That's the only way he could let himself think about it.

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