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"Momma, tell me a story."

Your large, (eye color) eyes stared up at your tired mother, yet she gave you a soft smile and a nod, sitting on the edge of your bed, "Alright," she said, a gentle tone in her voice. "But I've already told you most of the stories that you enjoy."

"Please momma? There has to be at least one more. A myth, legend... please?"

Your mother tapped her chin in thought, humming to herself for a few moments. Finally, she snapped her fingers, her face lighting up. "Well, there is a legend that my mother used to tell me when I was a child - I guess I can pass it onto you."

You nodded frantically, pulling the blankets up to your chin. You gazed up at your mother lovingly, for she was the only thing that you had in your life. Your father had died from illness, so the relationship you had with her was unbreakable. You two kept each other sane and happy.

You scooted over in the bed, patting beside your small form for your mother to lay next to you. She giggled, letting out a grunt and placing her warm body beside yours, cuddling you like a teddy bear. She kissed the top of your head gently. "Alright... where should I begin?"

You shut your eyes and listened to your mother speak. She was an angel to you.

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was no normal boy though, he was born in the middle of a storm. A dangerous one, at that. Lightning striking everywhere - the trees, homes, everything you could imagine. People gazed at them from their homes. They were asking themselves, 'where did this baby come from?', but they were too scared to go and get him. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere, and it aimed straight for this peculiar baby. Screams would be heard from inside the homes. They were going to witness a baby being burned to death right before their eyes. But! The baby raised his hand and touched the bolt of lightning like it was nothing," your mother paused for a moment, coughing.

"The baby had survived the dangerous situation just by touching the lightning. Fear coursed through the veins of the townspeople who watched from their cottages. Once the storm ended, nobody dared to go near him. Whispers spread around that he was the devil. Little did they know, it was the reincarnated Lightning God."

You gasped softly, motioning for her to continue.

"He grew at an abnormal rate. No orphanage wanted him. They all would kick him out. They didn't want the rumored Devil in their homes. He was alone on the streets, forced to fend for himself. Within months, he was the height of a preteen. Nobody knew what to do. How could they get him out of their town?"

You pouted, "Poor boy..." you whispered, but your mother covered your lips with her index finger, letting out a soft 'shhh'.

"Finally, they decided... they had to kill him. On the night of another storm, they all readied their pitch forks and made their way to the cave he had finally decided to reside in... for it was all he could live in to shield himself from the constant rain. He woke up that night to the sounds of jeers and chants right outside the cave. His face was stoic; empty. 'Why me?' he asked himself, trudging outside to meet everyone face-to-face. He thought he could explain things to them, because he didn't know what he was either."

Your seven year old self felt terribly bad for this boy. "I would've accepted him..." you mumbled.

Your mother continued, "Nobody wanted to hear his excuses. The more they called him the devil, the angrier he would become. All he wanted was to be loved by something; someone. Was it too much to ask? His anger consumed him to the point where he pointed at the crowd of townsfolk, a flash of blue light erupting from his hand. Within moments, everyone vanished. 'What did I do?' he asked himself. He was so overcome with emotions that he ran. He didn't know where he was running to, but he ran. Some still say they can see him running from what it seems like nothing, and some say they can see him walking, trying to find someone to love him," your mother giggled, "But that's just a legend, sweetie. They're not real. But, you can pass this tale onto your children too."

You nodded sadly. "I will. If I ever meet this God, I'll befriend him too, marrying a God sounds fun!"

Your mother wiped a stray tear away from your eye, "You do that, (Name). You have the ability to do whatever you want in life. Just tread carefully," she paused.

"And be careful what you wish for."

Six Trillion Years [Yandere!Lightning God x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now