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"Good afternoon, Agatha!"

"Oh, good afternoon, (Name)!"

You grinned a wide, toothy smile as you walked down the bustling street. Vendors surrounded you, waving and offering you a good deal so you could buy their goods. Obviously, you just waved back, striding right past their booths. You had a limited amount of money, so you could only get the bare minimum... which would be some eggs and flour. 

As you walked, familiar faces surrounded you. Most would greet you with a grin, but as they turned away, an expression you were all too used to would appear - pity. It was for a good reason, too, but you still hated it. 

Your mother had fallen ill. The doctor couldn't even pinpoint what was the issue with her. It was all too sad, but you had to stay strong for her, and pray to the Gods that they would heal her. 

You became the sole care-taker of your small home. Milking the cow and then tending to the garden became your daily job. Not to mention keeping the house in tip-top shape just in case the rare guest came over to give their condolences. 

After a few minutes of walking, you approach the same stand you did once a week. It was an old, brittle lady who stood behind the wooden table. Her hair was falling out, grey to the bone. Her hands shook rapidly as she moved them to sit on the table.

"Ah, (Name)..." she'd say, her voice raspy, "Just in time, as usual. My chicken laid a good batch of eggs today, and I have the usual flour. Are you going to making bread later?"

You nodded you set the basket down. It was padded with old straw blankets as to take care not to break the eggs. 

"Yes, Mary-Anne... do you want some? A kind stranger brought by some cinnamon the other day, so I think I am going to try something new. First I will need to churn some butter..." You looked up to the sky in thought, creating a mental list of things you needed to do on this beautiful day. 

Mary-Anne finished loading up the eggs in the basket, nudging it to you, "Of course, dearie! You know I always appreciate the thought. My husband at this point will only eat the bread you make, so you best keep it coming - or else he will starve."

You brought a hand up to your lips, giggling, "I don't think he'll starve. You feed him enough to feed three children!" 

The old lady chuckled, coughing softly. "I know, I know," she'd look down to the ground and kneel down, her bones popping. "You know I can't give you something fancy to carry the flour home in, so will this do?"

She stood back up, giving you a carefully wrapped cloth. Inside, you assumed, would be flour. "Of course!" you chirped, "You're kind enough to give me such a large discount on these goods. Don't worry about a thing."

"Excellent," Mary-Anne replied, patting your hand before you picked up the goods, "You run on home now... send your mother my good wishes."

"I will," you stated, placing two gold coins on the table and turning on your heel, walking away. As you walked, a frown came upon your features.

"I wonder how mom's doing today..." you whispered, concerning washing over you. You picked up the pace, jogging home. You had a good amount to walk, seeing as you lived on the outskirts of town... so maybe a good twenty minute run, thirty minutes walking.

The once beautiful sky slowly turned grey. You knew no matter how much you picked up the pace, you wouldn't beat this sudden storm. "Hm," you grunted, "It was so pretty just a few minutes ago... what happened?"

It began to pour.

"Awe, come on!" you cried out, shutting your eyes and bracing the cold rain. You completely forgot to shut the windows at home! Your mother was too weak to do it herself. 

"She's going to freeze if I don't get home."

Mud puddles began to form around you, dirtying your socks. The hooded poncho that was keeping you guarded from the rain became soaked. 

"Why does everything bad happen to me?!" you questioned loudly, stomping a foot on the ground, splashing up more mud. "Augh!" It was getting oh-so frustrating that everything seemed to go against you. Couldn't you just have one relaxing moment in your life?

Lightning stuck a tree not even a mile away from you.

You let out a loud yelp, your eyes wide and panicked. You needed to find shelter quickly. You picked up your pace, running to find anything... something to take refuge in.

You found a cave embedded in a mountain that seemed to be decent enough shelter.  You sprinted into the stone, finally being shielded from the pouring ran. You expected to be alone... but the moment you settled, you heard a muffled sob.

You decided to be brave and delve deeper into the cave to find the source of this noise. You placed your basket near the entrance. You began to take hesitant steps, walking with caution.

"Hello?" you would call out, your eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. In the distance, you saw a small little glimmer of light. There had to be someone in here. There was no way some random animal could produce a fire on purpose.

The sob suddenly stopped, followed by a soft gasp. Shuffling would be heard, as if this source of the noise was trying to get away from you. "Wait!" you exclaimed, now jogging, "I'm not going to hurt you! Please!"

After a few moments, you caught sight of this person. It was a male with a tear stained face. He looked absolutely exhausted... dark circles were under his eyes and his hair was disheveled. His eyes were beautiful, but yet they held the element of utter sadness and depression.

"Who are you?" he'd ask in a soft tone, not meeting your gaze, "Why are you here? Are you here to tell me how I don't belong in this world?"

You tilted your head to the side slightly, confused. "What?" you'd ask, "No, no... I was just concerned at the crying sounds you were making. What is the matter - are you injured?"

The male shook his head. "No. Just leave me be."

You furrowed your brow, taking a step closer, "Hey now," you'd say, "I'm not just leaving someone like this in a cave. Do you know how dangerous this is to be living in here? You're not protected from the elements... you could get hurt!"

As you took a step closer, your face became illuminated by the fire. You continued, "Have you even ate in a few days? How did you start this fire? I don't see even a single berry in here. How did you even get here? Do you have any family?"

The male didn't understand why you were bombarded him with questions. It was sort of nice, though. He noticed your lit up face by the flames of the fire, and he caught glimpse of your concerned expression. Even though it wasn't the most flattering of looks... it still was like a much needed angel coming to his rescue. How could a stranger be so worried for him? For all you knew, he could be a dangerous man.

"Mmph, we need to wait until this storm is over so I can tend to you properly." You peered out of the cave as best as you could from how far back you were, and just from listening, you could tell it was still pouring, though not as bad as before.

The male stared up at you, blinking. What in the world was going on? You could go home and completely forget about him. His tears began to fade.

"Why are you so worried for someone you don't know?" he'd suddenly ask.

You whipped around to face him, "Because! Who in the world lives in a cave? Apparently you, but probably for a good reason? Does anyone care for you? I know how it feels to be alone - not in this form, but it still sucks. I won't let you live in my home because you're right, I don't know you... but tomorrow I can bring some proper food and clothing for you."

Blinking once more, the male's expression contorted into one of shock, and a bit of admiration.

"Oh... thank you," he'd mumble. He would also mumble one more thing:

"Yeah... an angel..."

Too bad you didn't know who you just came into contact with...

The Lightning God from the legend...

The man who searched, and searched for love... something to hold onto forever.

Six Trillion Years [Yandere!Lightning God x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now