Im Just A Reporter

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You a reporter do not make much in life, it wasnt really your dream or intention to be a reporter at all... it was all because of your dad, he didnt listen to you when you had ideas or other intrests he just wanted you to be similar to him

You on the other hand had a creative mind, even though things start to fall through, you were still able to stand strong, you accepted the fact your father had expectations of you being a reporter, your true intention was to be a detective like Mr Tosaki

Ever since the Ajin incident, you wanted to be on the job so bad until you realized that you were like everyone else...the background...not even important like Tosaki and his assistant, just a normal person... there was nothing special about you, but thats what your thoughts told you

"I wish I would've stepped up to my father..." you clenched your fists, as flash backs started to flood in, your father wasnt bad...he wasnt perfect...he makes mistakes...hes was just like every other father, but when he died unexpectedly it was too late to tell him how you really felt

"Mr Tosaki!!" A bunch of reporters squeeled, surrounding him instantly like he was a famous celebrity, you admired his work and respected him for it, you couldnt help but smile while watching from a distance "Oh yeah my job!" you realized the situation as you looked up at him in concern

You followed the crowed of reporters, trying not to get pushed back, being a reporter was a lot of hard work for you, since you mostly get left behind admiring the celebrity, it surprises you that the company didnt even fire you yet "Get out of the way!" one of the girls in the crowed pushed you forward stumbling onto Tosaki

At first you thought the worst would happen, your thoughts told you he would pity you for being clumsy while you fall to the ground looking up at Tosaki, he would be making a face of disgust by your actions but pretty much the opposite happened, as you were pushed you fell closing your eyes waiting for your hands to feel the cold dirty street

"wait what?!"

You opened your eyes to see Tosaki grabbing your waist while your hands were on his chest, you became flustered when you realized the situation you were in "Mr Tosaki are you ok? Im sorry I didnt notice her" his assistant looked at him worryingly like she was his mother

"Dont worry it was just a reporter...she seems to be fine" Mr Tosaki replied with a mature calm attitude, you stood up straight as he let go of you "Im sorry..." you paused trying to figure out what to say but nothing else came out "No need to apologise..." Tosaki said noticing how much you were blushing even his assistant asked if you were sick

"No...Im not Im fine thank you, I just wanted to say..." you gathered the confidence while the reporters became annoyed, you finally looked into his eyes with a serious expression "I really admire your work Mr Tosaki!" you finally admitted in determination "Oh really...good to hear" He left without another word, silence was all there is

"I dont know why I would expect more..." You sighed leaving the opposite direction, the reporters ignored you and walked aside so you could leave "I really cant get it through my head, I need to remember my place...where I stand...Im just an ordinary person, nothing is special about me"

I stood behind the crowed because thats where I always stood, to admire detectives, celebrities, as they all walked by, I respected their work, admired them for being so confident...but for also doing what they love, I respected my father but all I asked was to make him proud no matter where I stood in this world

I heared a strange sound in my head but I realized it wasnt, I looked beside the assistant thinking I was going insane when I saw an Ajin standing next to her, I thought I was going crazy, so I rubbed my eyes to take a closer look, it seemed as if no one could see it but me "strange" you muttered walking closer

you were able to get a good glimpse of the Ajin from behind the yellow line while reporters began to glare at you, his assistant soon noticed you were staring at the Ajin, so she pulled you in saying you were with her, she had a strong grip on your arm so you expected her to be pissed

She dragged you elsewhere away from Tosaki "You are not to tell anyone about this! you nosey reporters have a lot of greed to get whatever info into your article even if it was a lie" she let go realizing your arm was red "oh uh sorry" she apologized but her face was dead serious "Ugh dont worry...I dont even have the skills to write a good article"

You sighed in dissapointment as she watched you become saddened "I know where I stand...Im suppose to look like a greedy reporter arent I? I know you stand on a higher I respect you for it" I walked away not noticing the policeman infront of me "your not suppose to be here" the man glared at me but I just didnt care anymore

"I know...its my fault, I didnt find anything intresting anyway" the policeman watched you walk back to where you were before, back to square one, you crossed the yellow line until the assistant caught your attention once again "Mr Tosaki wanted to give you this" she handed you a piece of paper folded

"Im sorry about my assistant" Tosakis voice surprised me when he walked towards us "its fine..." I felt my heart start to race when I saw him but my determination allowed me to finally speak "Im just a reporter anyway" you finally left without another word putting the folded paper into your bag

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