the last time

5 1 0

(Swearing ahead sorry....)

My eyes were hallow like my soul.....


I was shallow I knew that....


Thanks for noticing....


No need to say it everyone knows already....

See I could care less about your god-damned opinion .....because in the end I doesn't mean  jack shit.... go get a fuckin' life ass hole and stop being a whiny ass 2 year old....

The reason I wrote this is because ...... Well I honestly don't get it, why fret over what a person said about you ....just let it go ...they continue glock 'em in the face they don't have the right to say SHIT....'bout chu. So on a betta note if ya wanna talk I'm open seeing as I have no life outside of social media and wattpad so ..... and no I'm not one of those bimbos KayI'll explain in the next chapter bye.

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