chapter one

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"Hey Emma! Wait up!", yelled Marcus from down the hall. I slowly turned around to wait for my boyfriend to catch up to me. "Geez you walk fast! I can never keep up with you." he said grinning down to me. Though I do have to say, what a gorgeous grin it is. It went well with his shaggy brown hair and his stunning green eyes.

"I don't walk that fast babe. Plus with you being quarterback of our high school team, it's a little sad you're out of breath." I say teasing him. he freezes for a moment and stares down at me while I watch as his grin turns into a evil smirk. uh-oh. I know exactly what the look meant. I try, repeat, try to take off down the hallway, but was stopped by two muscular arms placed on both sides of my head. I slowly looked up to meet the eyes of my capture only to see an evil plan formulating in his eyes.

"You know I love you right?", I try coating on him, "And your so handsome, and loving, and caring, and..." I reply when I suddenly felt lips on mine. Mhmmm. That's a nice way to tell me to shut up. our lips moved in perfect sync with each other, and while the kiss only lasted for about a minute, it felt longer. gosh, this boy has no idea what he does to me.

after we broke away, thanks to sutle coughing of people around us, I looked up to him only to realize why we in that position to begin with. and judging from the smirk on his face, he did too. I tried to break away, and almost succeeded only to be pulled back and tickled mercilusly.

"Stop! Stop! I give!!! Help!!! somebody help me!! Oh god, I need an adult!!!", I say while panting. though he does finnaly stop, after i'm on the floor with tears running down my cheecks. i probably look like a drowning chiwawa right about now.

"you got her good, didn't you?" i look up to see my best friend looking down at me while talking to Marcus. "what did she do this time?" though she looks sweet with her Viet backround, long brown hair and eyes and an amazing figure that even i'm jealous of, she is nothing but sarcastic.

he frowned at Lillian and replied, "She questioned my masculinity by insinuating that i don't work out enough while i was trying to keep up with her." his frown turned into a look of mock heartbreak, gazing at Lillian, urging her to continue with his sherade. she looked at me, and then back to him.

"Your man pride shouldn't be hurt in the least. have you looked at yourself? you're smoking!" she giggled, and the turned to me. "and you! do you know how hard it is to keep up with you girl? you're the freaking ace of the track team!! i gave up long ago trying to walk, not run, walk next to you! you're to fast."

by now, I've caught my breathe and slowly peeled myself off of the floor. "well excuse me for not noticing i walk fast. and stop flirting with my boyfriend girly, get your own." i tease. we've been best friends since childhood, so i know she doesn't mean it. "if you keep that up, i'll never be able to deflate his ego!"

"Hey! i take offense to that!" Marcus yells while pointing at me. i roll my eyes at him. he's such a kid. i look at my phone and freak out. I'm going to be late to practice!

"I gotta go guys!!!!! I'm going to be late! love you!" i scream while flooring it to the gym.

"love you too!" i hear them shout back.

i ran into the gym and straight into the locker room to change as fast as i could, and ran out to meet the team.

"you're late Emma!" Mrs. Michelle yells at me. her eyes hard, letting me know she ready to get down to business. "start warming up! Everyone else, start your laps around the school!"

"Yes mom." i reply watching her eyes get a little softer. Mrs. Michelle and i are very close, seeing as how she helped me grow into what i am today. i respected her, as she did me, and considered her a second mom. i sit down on the grass and start doing my usual warm up routine to notice from the corner of my eye Mrs. michelle staring at me.

"is something wrowg?" i question, while running wild scenerios through my head, some more realistic then others.

"no nothing is wrong sweety, i was just thinking of what training your going to do today." she replied.

well I wasn't expecting that. " Am i not running with the other girls today?" I ask her. she slowly shoock her head no.

"I want you to practice on your own for a little bit, seeing as how you are trying to place in nationals and I think you have a good shot." she said while smiling. she must see it on my face how happy I am. Nationals! My dream of getting into nationals are coming true! "Now don't get to excited! though you are good, you still need some work."

"whatever you need me to do coach, I'll do it!" I yell while jumping in circles around her. and she took my statement to heart because she worked me to the bone.

I got home around eight to find Lillian on my bed eating my favorite candy in the whole wide world. whoppers. how the hell did she find my stash! I put a freaking lock on the box!

"While you contemplate the many ways I could've opened the box to steal your candy, you forget I always carry a screwdriver around, and i'm handy with it to!" her smirk growing bigger and bigger. oh hell no!

"MY BABIES!" I screamed and tackled her off my bed. "NOT MY BABIES!" it was a bad idea to tackle her cause the moment we hit the ground, they went rolling all over the floor. "NOOO! I'LL SAVE YOU!!" all the emotions running through me at that moment won't be enough to understand what I felt when I saw them scatter. I crawled around the floor picking each one of them up and putting them back in the bag I took back from Lillian. "it's okay guys, your all back together now! you don't have to be sad anymore.

"Babe, I need you to call this number for me. she helped my cousin out when she was going through a rough time, I think she'll be able to help you..." I look up to see Lillian looking down at me with so much concern on her face.

"I don't need help, just don't eat my whoppers! you know how I feel about that!" I reply while wiping my hands off my pants. "and also, why are you in my house?" I question.

"isn't it obvious why i'm here?" she asks while looking at me like it's the most obvious answer in the world.


" cause I wanna be!" she says and smiles so big it looked like it hurt.

"ugh okay, just don't mess up anything chicky. i'm going to hop in the shower!" I say and head towards the bathroom.

"you can leave your candy in here if you want" she says with a sly grin.

"fat chance girl." I reply and head to the bathroom to take my long awaited shower. and boy did it feel amazing. after doing the necessities. after stepping out, I looked at myself in the mirror. my curly balck hair was completely tangled, and by the frustration in my hazel eyes, you could see I didn't want to brush it.

"Screw this", I muttered to myself while throwing my hair in a ponytail. i'll brush it tomorrow.

"Screw what?" Lil asks me sticking her head through my bathroom door.

"AHHH! how the hell did you get in!?!" I screamed trying to get my heart rate back down.

"Did you forget about my handy dany screwdriver? besides I had to pee." she stated like it didn't matter.

"You came in while I was naked in the shower just because you couldn't go downstairs and use the bathroom?" I reply with a straight face.

"Nope, your mom's down their, with you dad, if you know what I mean." her face turning to one of discomfort.

I knew exactly what she meant. my parents acted like newly weds even though they'll be celebrating their 19th anniversary in a few days. it's pretty gross if you ask me.

"Besides, I wanted your Whoppers!." she said and then ran away while slamming the door.

"wait what?" I looked to the counter where I left them to see they were gone.

"LILLIAN, I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" I hollered while running out of my bathroom and down the stairs in my bathrobe. I found her in the kitchen hiding behind my mom. dad looked a little peeved. I guess she broke something up.

"Why are you yelling curse words in my house young lady?" my mom asks me.

"She stole my Whoppers and ate them. I had the locked in a box and then with me in the shower and she broke in and stole them!" I reply saying stole like it was vile on my tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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