Smile in miles
Don't close your files
Don't stain these tiles
Just show them fake
A fake cake
It's hard
Hard to be a bard
Always need
Need, them to feed
Need, to show the lead
Even them doesn't bother a bit
Cry baby
Cry with no mercy
Cry angrily
'Cause you are so hungry
Don't show them though
Be a good assassin with bow
Cry baby
They'll show no pity
So don't show it pretty
Waste more tears
To people who can't hear
Hear your pain and fear!
Cry baby
You are pretty
Outside you're rocky
But inside you're clumsy
So they'll say you are a robbery
But no
No one knows
How your inside flows
So cry baby
Then be a dolly
That looks perfect
But inside is imperfect
Cry baby
Cry baby
Tear down no mercy
Throw out your binky
Cry loud even there's no pity
'Cause they want to judge beautifully
I wrote this because I am hurting inside... I always feel guilty to the things I've done... I wrote this in 10 minutes that's why it became bad but I just want to throw my feelings away... I hope you'll forgive me😊😊😊