I heard that some of you are really down in the dumps lately...
Place a hand over your heart, breathe in...feel that beat. That's your purpose. It's your reason your living. That's why you gotta keep going. That purpose is for not for someone. It's for you.Now I lost...many friends to bullying. The word that is equivalent to hate in my vocabulary. It took many lives from this world... and yet the bully doesn't think much of it. Nope. 'Oh just another soul gone? Oops! Where's my next victim!' ... bullies sicken me.
Words. The very thing that can hurt and harm a person. Bullies often twist this, so it's a form of torture, a few words lead to many outcomes when used my a bully...embarrassment....harm...depression....
The names they call you are not worth the listen and I know it's not so easy to brush it off and keep walking. To stop listening. The words hurt more than the hits, the punches and the physical bruises. But the words imprint a scar that never heals, it just stretches open every time another one is thrown at you. Words. Mean ones. To be honest I don't know where this is going...and there's no way to stop the words from hurting, or the people who are bullying you to stop...but what matters is that we hurt together. I'm here for you. For your pain, for your sadness. I can be your shoulder. I am here. We all are. And we love you and will always.
And your a magnificent, wonderful person whom I personally think has a great purpose. And a great personality. A great person.
And if you don't believe me
Look in the mirror
Still can't see it? Buy another mirror!
Look closer. Believe in yourself!... I wish you could see yourself how I see you. A special soul. A great friendStay frosty my snowflakes
StarPs I'm sorry if this makes no sense what so ever...I'm just venting and hopefully I helped in a way
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