Episode 6

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Midori hadn't left her room for nearly a week. Alex had called the school to say she was suffering from a loss, but he wasn't sure for how much more school she could miss. Hayato's death had broken Midori so severely, that she hadn't even left her room; Alex had to leave her meals outside her bedroom. Standing outside the bedroom door, Alex knocked softly. "Midori?" "Guh awuh." "I'm coming in." "Nuh! Don't cuhme in.". Alex opened the door slowly. Midori's once graceful, short curls were standing up in every direction. Without make-up, her face seemed hollow. She was wearing her old, patched pjs from Target. Alex sat down next to her. Midori looked up, showing off bloodshot eyes, a red nose, and chapped lips. Tears still ran down her face. 

"I'm sorry..."

"Yuh huve nuthing tuh be swrry fuh."

"What else can I say?"


"There has to be SOMETHING I can say to make you feel better...or do? Can I do anything for you?"


"Then what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit here, and let you feel pain, Midori! Please, isn't there anything, even something really, really small I can do?"



"Yuh don't huve tuh do anything. Yuh don't huve tuh say anything. Just...just don't leave me."

Midori leaned over and rested her head against Alex's shoulder, curled her arms around his neck, and started crying quietly. Alex leaned forward, and put one hand on Midori's back, pulling her closer. His other hand was in her hair, massaging the place where her head curved into her neck with his thumb. Midori hiccuped and looked up, and Alex realized how beautiful she was when she wasn't trying. 

"I'm not going anywhere."

They hugged closer. 

Their chests pressed together.

Their hands begun intertwining.

They really shouldn't have kissed.

Yandere Dev, Yandere Dev, Aren't I The One You Love?Where stories live. Discover now