It begins as a whisper,a promise,and a vision that one day you will live life the way you want.Living in a world full of people that are dependent on someone their parents,friends,and significant other.
One must ask the question why would anyone want to be dependent on someone else's lifestyle when you can independently create your own. God himself gave us all the ability to "choose".
Why is it that we allow people around us to control us when we have the power to choose what we want.Your told as a kid to be a Doctor,or a Lawyer but is that really what the universe wants for you?
We have to be strong and tell that friend " NO" or tell that negative habit "NO" or tell that controlling person in your life,"This is my life to life to live".
We are all born with the ability to be self efficient and to work hard to insure our freedom is secured.
Negative friends draining you of your energy then remove them with no warning and don't look back because it's your life to live. I'd rather live on my feet than settle on my knees to hand outs and someone else's life style.
Going into the new year with a new mindset,new goals,and a new criteria for friends,and the people I want in my inner circle. We have to take back control over our lives and live because death is coming that's why I choose peace.
Even after all the fake friends,heartache,and pain it was just a lesson to know what who and what needs to be apart of your life.