Lawson's New Year

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Lawson's New Year

1 January 2019...  

"There's so many people here. I hate crowds," Keagen complains, pulling the hood of his jacket up over his hat, covering the sides of his face as the light snow continues to fall down on us in Times Square, New York.

Of course, there are many people. New's Year Eve is huge here. People from all over the world attend just to see the ball drop. It's nationally televised too. What was the looney tune expecting?

"Lighten up," Laiken, the optimist - shivering in his thin t-shirt yet still managing a grin - stammers. "Why do you always have to be such a downer? It's New Year's Eve." 

"I refuse to satisfy you with a response. It's clear that you're just provoking me again," Keagen retorts, angling himself away from Laiken's reach when the moron deliberately makes a move to tip Keagen's hood back down.

Lai, in turn, starts humming loudly directly in Keagen's face as if to push him right over the edge. "Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la! Deck the halls with-"

"Leave me be, you stupid space slug," Keagen mutters in disdain, shoving him away. Up-to-date, Laiken's never been his favorite human.

"Oh, Keagen, Keagen, Keagen," Laiken chuckles tauntingly with a shake of his head as if he just cannot help himself, "why do you force me to make your life miserable?"

"I don't. I'm just an ordinary person, like you-" Keag is quick to correct himself, "like Mason, except, I can control people's actions. For example, in ten seconds you will try to hit me."

Laiken scrunches up his face in bewilderment. "What's that suppose to-"

Keagen flicks him on the forehead before jumping back, strategically missing Laiken's fist in the knick of time.

"Brain always defeats brawn," Mason utters aloud, a laugh leaving his chest. "Only wish I learned that at eighteen."

Before Laiken can retaliate, yet another person brushes up against Keagen - it's common seeing as we are waiting in line to be checked by security. Nonetheless, he shudders as a result, disgusted. "Gross. I don't know where all these filthy people have been. I don't need them touching me."

The lady shoots him a dirty look, having heard him. "You've got issues," she scoffs bitterly, offended.

It's now clear that the woman purposely brushed up against him. She was making a move on him in an attempt to capture his attention.

"Maybe so, but at least I've got deodorant too," he remarks rudely, chasing her away, unaware that she was flirting with him.

"Are you women repellant?" Laiken shakes his head in disbelief. "That chick was actually hot. An eight."

"I hate people," he tries to justify his harsh reaction, "I hate night."

The night is literally sparkling with color and culture. He seriously does have issues.

I laugh, amused, and stand on my tippy toes to softly hit him upside the head. "Lai is right. You are a major downer."

"At least I'm not an idiot," he defends himself before gesturing over to Laiken, "just look at the behemoth."

I glance sideways to see Laiken flexing his arms every time a pretty girl walks past. There's a reason he opted out of warm, comfortable clothing. All he cares about is impressing the opposite gender with all his football muscles.

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