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One frail girl,

Weak and bright.

She was not perfect,

But tried to be right.

But people say,

She is not worth their glances.

No knight in shining armour,

No new clothes, no food to savor.

Peole are rude and dour,

She used to whisper.

No one in her life

That she knows, miss her.

One winter night,

Dark and black.

She wandered alone

Ferocious wind, ready to attack.

She held her tight,

All her bright hopes were already gone,

But there she was,

Again, ready to fight

With all her remaining might.

She won’t falter, she won’t stop.

Do you want to know the reason behind?

Never give up,

Her late mother used to say.

Fall thousand times you may,

Face your fears with your chin up,

Have hope and be brave,

Though you’re broken,

You cry and you hiccup,

But one day, someone would see your shine,

Have faith in the Justice of Divine.

And though you are alone at your grave,

Believe in yourself,

That’s all you have.

Believe in yourself.

That’s all I want to say.

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