Chapter 10

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The rest of the dinner went smoothly. Camila and Lauren didn't talk to each other much which was strange to Normani and Dinah. Usually they would be talking to each other to the point where their ears could fall off. 

Selena made a few more appearances much to Lauren's dismay. Something felt off about the Latina that made Lauren's skin boil in anger. Lauren caught herself glaring at Selena went she returned with their entree's, but quickly looked away in confusion. She didn't understand why she was so angry at the waitress. Maybe it was the way she made Camila smile. Maybe it was the way she did it so effortlessly, too. 

So the rest of the dinner went by with zero words spoken between Camila and Lauren. Maybe that was okay, and maybe it wasn't.

 One thing is certain though: it wasn't.


Dinah drove the two girls back to their campus. It wasn't until they reached their dorms that Dinah decided to speak. 

"So what was up with you and Lauren tonight?" 

"What are you talking about?" Camila asked lifted one of her legs and placed her foot on the bed. She untied her shoe and took it off, then placed it on the floor. 

Dinah watched Camila repeat the process with her other shoe and shook her head. "You didn't talk. Like, at all. usually you'd talk each others ears off, but now all of a sudden you have a love interest and you don't speak at all. What gives?" 

"I don't know, Dinah. Sounds like its her that has a problem with it so until she tells me why, I have no clue why she isn't talking to me." 

"But that's not the case. You also made no effort to talk to her either. She's not the only person in the wrong here, Mila." 

Camila stared wide-eyed at Dinah, slightly offended that her friend wasn't taking her side completely. "Seriously? You're on her side?" 

Dinah shook her head and plugged her phone onto her charger before plopping onto her bed directly across from Camila. "I'm not on anyone's side. All I'm saying is she is not talking to you, and you're not talking to her. Neither of you made an effort to talk to each other today. Her just talked to me, Normani, and Ally. Lauren talked to everyone but you. Something is going on. If you want to make your friendship work, you both need to get your jealous heads out of your Cuban asses and get over whatever is happening." 

Camila's head perked up at the mention of the other girl's jealousy. "Wait, she was jealous?" 

"Oh my god, you're doing all of this to make her jealous? Damn, I should've known. We just talked about this yesterday, too. But yes, Lauren had lazer eyes on your girl the entire time we were there. Just don't read too much into it, okay? That could mean anything." 

"No, no. Its fine. In all honesty, Selena and I ran into Lauren and her girlfriend at the party last night and, well, it wasn't the most pleasant conversation in the world." 

"Normani told me about that, actually. Didn't take you as a top. Oh, and her name is Lucy. Are you ever going to call her by her name?"

Camila shrugged and stood up. "Eventually. I'm gonna go to the bathroom now. That sandwich is going right through me." 

"Ew, Mila. Didn't need details." 

"Looks like you aren't getting details about the party then!" 

"Hey! Not fair!" 


Dinah went to go hang out with Normani about an hour ago, leaving a bored and lonely Camila doing nothing in their dorm. Her and Dinah shot a few texts back and forth but the more time that passed, the less frequent Dinah's replies got. 

Camila couldn't think of anything to do. She refreshed all of her social medias about a thousand times now. She even tried watching an episode of Orange is New Black on Netflix, but only got through half an episode when she grew restless again. 

To: sexy

Hey, Sel. You doing anything? Want to hang out at my dorm?

She through her phone on the bed and stood up. She paced around her dorm to keep her occupied. She didn't know why she was so anxious to see the other girls' reply, but her anxiety was at an all time high right about now. What seemed like hours when it was only a  matter of minutes later, her phone buzzed. 

From: sexy

Sure, sounds fun. Whats your room number?

After giving Selena the info she needed, Camila decided she would fix her room together to look a little neater. It wasn't terrible messy, just a few clothes on the ground she could throw in her hamper and some trash to throw away. 

As Camila was throwing the trash away, a set of knocks echoed off the walls. This confused the Latina. Selena said she wouldn't be there for another thirty minutes. She walked over to the door and was surprised by who was standing in front of her. 

"Hey." Lauren greeted awkwardly. "Can we talk?" 

"Oh, um, yeah. Sure. Come on in." Camila said as she stood back to her in. Camila gently shut the door behind her and took a deep breath. "What did you want to talk about?" 

"Right. So first of all I wanted to apologize how I acted at lunch. It was completely uncalled for. And, well, I don't know. I've just been kind of a bitch lately and I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Lucy and I aren't on the best of terms and I've been taking it out on everyone else." 

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. And I accept your apology even though it wasn't really necessary. I don't really have a halo over my head in this situation either. I haven't been any better, so for that I apologize also." 

"Its okay, Camz. I'm the one who owes you an apology. Not you." Lauren grabbed her hand and gently ran her fingers over her knuckles. Camila was tempted her retract her hand from her touch, but decided against it when she realized how comforting it was. 

"Its alright, Lauren. Lets just forget about it. Um but you might want to-" Lauren cut her off by wrapping her arms around Camila's waist, momentarily stunning her. Camila hesitantly reciprocated the hug and rubbed Lauren's back. 

"I hate this. I seriously hate it, Camila. You're not supposed to make me feel this way. I mean, I have a girlfriend god dammit." 

"What are you talking about, Lauren?" 

Lauren pulled away from the hug to look at Camila. She studied her facial expression. Her eyebrows were adorably scrunched together in confusion, her eyes full of concern, her lips slightly parted. Oh god, her lips . Don't even get her started on Camila's lips. "I-I just..." Lauren slowly started to lean in. She grabbed Camila's hips and pulled her closer to her body. She watched as Camila's eyes widened, but let Lauren take control nonetheless. 

Their lips slightly brushed together when a knock interrupted them. Camila cleared her throat and stepped away from Lauren. "Um, that's Selena..." She softly uttered as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. 

"Right, um.. I think that's my cue to go then." 

Lauren carefully stepped around Camila and opened the door. Her nodded her head at Selena and moved around her too before speed walking down the hall. 

"What was that about?" Selena asked. 

"Your answer is as good as mine." Camila answered as she pulled Selena into her dorm with a smile. 

But one question still floated in the back of Camila's mind: 

What the fuck just happened?


Lol sorry. No Camren yet. But I promise- soon. Very soon (;

AAAAAAAAAAAAnd hello my loves. Miss me? Its been far too long since I've updated and I apologize for that. My schedule has been more hectic that I could even put into words. 

But here's the update. Hope you liked it (: 

Thank you and I love you all. Feel free to give me some feedback or suggestions!!

-Lily <3

P.S- the drill is the same. Ignore errors! 

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