chapter fourteen: fight

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                       *shawn's P.O.V*
It was Monday and I was getting ready for school when my phone buzzed. I looked at the name sighing softly.

Matthew: I want you to get into a fight with me at school.

Me: why?

Matthew: after you hurt penelope i'll kick your ass in ass fight. She'll sympathize me and hate you.

Me: whatever.

I don't want to do this anymore. It's killing penelope and me.

I walked into the school building gulping when I saw penelope. Her back was to me. I took a deep breath pushing her into the lockers. She winced in pain as I kicked her laying body on the tiled floor.

"Get away from her!" Matthews voice filled my ears. Slowly I turned around feeling matthew pushing me onto the lockers.

Before he could do anything i punched him as hard as I could pushing him onto the floor. I continued punching him.

I eventually had to stop since I had to let him win.

Penelope started pushing through the crowds pushing ups away from each other.

Matthew pushed me against the lockers again but penelope stood inbetween us.

"Matthew why'd you do that?" Penelope questioned.

"He hurt you."

"Doesn't mean you had to do that......i don't need your help to protect me.....i can do that on my own."

Penelope grabbed my arm pulling me into the office.

She pulled out keys from her bag unlocking the nurses office.

                 *penelope's P.O.V*

I'm sort of friends with the school's nurse and she was nice enough to train me just incase if something like fhis happened.

I know Matthews been taking care of me and all but....i didn't really want to help him. He's been too touchy and always there, like he's freakin everywhere. I don't need hin protecting me, i don't need his help. Shawn was beat up worse than matthew was anyways
"Sit." I closed the door running to he cabinets grabbing band-aids, rubbing alcohol and a rag.

I walked over to shawn pouring some rubbing alcohol onto the rag and pressing it to the thin stream of blood running down his nose

Shawn winced softly from the sting lightly closing his eyes.

"Why are you helping me penelope?" He questioned softly staring into my icy eyes.

"I don't know.......Matthew has been every where lately and i'm just trying to get away."

"But you could've helped him not me."

"But I want to Shawn."

"I started it though penelope."

"And I ended it." I whispered

"He beat you up badly." I whispered pressing the rag to the cuts on his face.

Shanw winced again..

He has a large bruise on his jae, multiple cuts all over his face and a slight bruise under his eye, and his lip busted.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Shawn questioned softly.

"For trusting you." I placed a small bandaid on the cut in the corner of his eyebrow

"Penelope you don'y understand-"

"That you always hated me....this was some kind of plan to make me fall in love with you and them stab me in the back?"

"No.....listen to me-" I tried walking away since j was finished but shawn grabbed my waist standing up from the resting bed.

I was flustered as he slowly leaned in yet I pushed him away, not that I really wanted to.

"Can you meet me at the track tomorrow afternoon?" Shawn questioned softly staring into my eyes.

I looked at him skeptically.


"Thank won't regret it." Shawn kissed my cheek softly before grabbing his backpack and leaving the room.

Shawn mendes is my bullyWhere stories live. Discover now