A Kiss From His Lady

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After an akuma battle Chat went all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower where his lady was, this time Ladybug looked sad.

Chat: Is everything okay M'lady?
Ladybug: Huh? Oh, hi Chat I'm fine
Chat: No your not, I know you too well
Ladybug: Fine you got me I'm not okay
Chat: How come?
Ladybug: I just been stressed out a lot lately, you know personal stuff
Chat: Oh I see, is there anything I can do to help

Chat gave Ladybug those pretty cat eyes of his for her to say yes. Damn I can't say no to those eyes LB thought to herself.

Ladybug: I think there is something you can help me with
Chat: What is it Bugaboo I'll do it right away
Ladybug: Give me a kiss
Chat: A K...kiss are you sure?
Ladybug:Well you said you wanted to help me but I guess I'm wrong
Chat: Ladybug wait come here
Ladybug: Ok

The cat boy was sure nervous, he was about to kiss crush. But he had to do it, it was Chat's only chance. So he leaned into Ladybug and kissed her.
The kiss lasted for a very long time, but it was worth it, they broke the kiss because both of them needed air. The only thing that Ladybug could do is just laugh.

Chat: What are you laughing at?
Ladybug: I can't believe that you were so nervous about kissing me when it was actually easy
Chat: HEY! At least you enjoyed it
Ladybug: Your right at least I did
Chat: M'lady?
Ladybug: Yes
Chat: Do you want to hangout sometime?
Ladybug: Sure, how about this Friday
Chat: Sure Friday
Ladybug: Well I have to go, see you later Kitty
Chat: Later LB

Before Ladybug left, she gave him another quick kiss, and left. Adrien couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. Especially since Plagg reminded him all the time.

Plagg: Ladybug and Adrien sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Adrien: Shut up Plagg


Well look who's back after a long time. I think that I'm still going to continue this I don't know maybe if I have time to. I think I will since summer is almost here. So enjoy this chapter

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